Who is Erma in the glass castle?

Who is Erma in the glass castle?

Dad’s mother, she lives in Welch, West Virginia. Jeannette catches her sexually abusing Brian, leading the kids to question whether Dad suffered the same.

What event precipitates the argument in which Erma ends up hitting Lori?

What event precipitates the argument in which Erma ends up hitting Lori? Jeannette accuses Erma of molesting Brian.

What first impression of Erma does walls provide?

The first impression of Erma that Walls provides the reader is someone who doesn’t belong in their family. Erma is described as a ginormous, sweaty, and having three chinswhen Walls first sees her.

Why do Erma and Lori get into a fight?

While they were gone Erma touched Bran inappropriately, Jeannette and Lori got into a verbal fight with her, that ended up in slapping. Erma told the kids to stay in the basement, and they weren’t allowed to leave the basement until their parents returned. Rex was extremely upset with the kids.

When was Erma walls born?


What happened to Brian in the glass castle?

He was born in mid-seizure and couldn’t breathe. Rose Mary said he was likely a “goner,” but Brian lived, and the seizures stopped.

What does margarine symbolize in the glass castle?

The stick of margarine stands as a symbol for the poverty that the Walls face within The Glass Castle. The stick of margarine is the only thing in the kitchen to eat, but the children eat it anyway, showing how desperate their situation has become.

What does Rose Mary’s attitude toward the piano outside suggest about her character?

What does Rosemary’s attitude toward the piano outside suggest about her character? She is willing to have what she loves, even though she needs some essential things. romantic, like elegant things, good at changing attitude.

What causes the argument that ends in Rose Mary being dangled out of the window by her feet by Rex?

What causes the argument that ends in Rose Mary being dangled out of the window by her feet by Rex? They argued about whose fault it was that they lived the way they did. And Rose Mary said that Rex should get another job.

How does each child try to help the parents the glass castle?

She tries to help them by being realistic, and trying to see the world as it really is. The second one is Jeanette, the main character in the story. Jeanette’s most important contribution to the family is the fact that she never loses faith in them, so she is the glue that holds them together.

Who is the oldest child in the Walls family?


Who wrote the glass castle?

Jeannette Walls