Who received the chess set from the church Christmas party?

Who received the chess set from the church Christmas party?


How does Waverly’s family get a chess set?

How does Waverly’s family get a chess set? Waverly’s family had attended an annual Christmas party. A few missionary ladies had put together a Santa bag of gifts donated by members of another church. Waverly’s older brother, Vincent, had chosen the chess set out of the sack.

What did Waverly trade for chess?

In “Rules of the Game,” Waverly begins playing chess when she agrees to let her brothers use her Lifesaver candies as replacements for the missing chess pieces in their chess set. The children have received gifts from an annual Christmas party, and the chess set that Waverly’s brother receives has missing pieces.

What is the rules of the game about by Amy Tan?

Rules of the Game Summary. In “Rules of the Game,” chess prodigy Waverly engages in a battle of wills with her domineering mother. Waverly’s traditional Chinese mother Lindo imposes traditional gender roles on her children. Waverly is relegated to doing chores, while her brothers are free to pursue their interests.

WHo is Waverly’s final opponent?


What is the main idea in rules of the game?

The main theme of “The Rules of the Game” is power. Throughout the story, Waverly struggles to gain power over her controlling mother and exercise her independence. Waverly is also caught up in a power struggle between Asian and American cultural influences, which is implicit in the mother–daughter struggle.

What is the conflict of rules of the game?

The central conflict in the story, “Rule of the Game,” is the conflict between mother and daughter. Waverly wants to break free from her mother and wants more independence.

Who is the antagonist in rules of the game?

Protagonist/Antagonist Antagonist- Waverly’s Mother because didn’t get any of the things that Waverly gets because she wasn’t born in America and she doesn’t want her to have those opputurnities. Waverly- Waverly is a very commetitive girl because she wants to win every chess match she plays in.

What does Waverly’s hair symbolize in rules of the game?

It’s basically when a part represents a whole—and in “Rules of the Game,” Waverly’s hair totally represents the girl that it’s attached to. Waverly’s hair is first described as “disobedient” (9) and “thick” (9), both words we think her mom would happily use to describe her daughter.

What is the climax in rules of the game?

Hover for more information. The climax of this brilliant story that tells of the conflict between a Chinese immigrant to America and her daughter comes at the very end as, in a dream, Waverley faces her mother in a mystical and magical game of chess and loses.

Who is the main character of rules of the game?

Waverly Place Jong Waverly

How old is Waverly in rules of the game?

eight years

How has Waverly’s relationship with her mother change from the beginning to the end of the story?

Answer:Towards the end of the story, Waverly offends her mother and the two characters view each other as opponents. Her mother navigates her life. She also teaches her about matters such as the art of invisible strength, which is something that allows people to win arguments and win respect from others.

What is the resolution in rules of the game?

The resolution is the conclusion of the story. The resolution is when Waverly gets home and realizes that her mom is beating her in a game of chess that is in her mind and she is pondering her next move.

How is Meimei’s relationship with her mother like a game of chess?

Her mother is extremely strict as she tries to teach Chinese cultural values to her children. As Meimei’s mother consistently attempts to influence her daughter, Meimei responds by trying to resist her mother’s control. This mother-daughter conflict is where we can see a parallel to the game of chess.

How is Waverly affected by the conflict with her mother?

How is waverly affected by the conflict with her mother in paragraphs 71-78 (it’s a commonlit question) A: she is unaffected and begins practicing for her next chess tournament. C: she reflects on her irritation towards her mother and realizes it is unhealthy.

What do the interactions between Waverly and her mother in the first three paragraphs suggest about their relationship?

Analyze what the interactions between Waverly and her mother suggest about their relationship (e.g., The interactions depicted in the opening paragraphs of “Rules of the Game” suggest that Waverly and her mother might see their relationship as a “game” that each wants to “win” (p. chess games” (p. 89).

What was Waverly’s mother’s view of Rules?

What was Waverly’s mother’s view of “rules”? She believed that people from foreign countries must learn the American “rules.” 8. At the end of the story, who is Waverly’s imaginary chess opponent? Her mother is her imaginary chess opponent.

In what way do the complex characters of Waverly and her mother most clearly develop a central theme of rules of the game?

Answer: Waverly and her mother portray the discrepancy of generations and cultures, which is one of the central themes of “Rules of the Game”.

Why does the narrator enjoy chess so much?

she changed her face to confused. In your opinion, why does the narrator enjoy chess so much? A lot of secrets in the game. Invisible strength.

Why does Meimeis mother buy her a small bag of plums?

At the beginning of “Rules of the Game,” what causes Mrs. Jong to buy a small bag of plums for Meimei? Meimei has completed her weekly chores. Meimei has asked her mother to buy the plums.

What are the 3 listening strategies?

There are five key active listening techniques you can use to help you become a more effective listener:

  • Pay Attention. Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message.
  • Show That You’re Listening.
  • Provide Feedback.
  • Defer Judgment.
  • Respond Appropriately.

What should you not say in an apology?

Avoid these common mistakes for best results.

  • “I’m sorry you feel that way.” This is a popular but totally ineffective statement that should never be part of any apology.
  • “I’m sorry you believe/think that…” This is not an apology.
  • “I’m sorry I did X, but…” As soon as you say “but,” you’re negating the entire apology (e.

Why apologize when you are not wrong?

If the other person is in the wrong, then we can gloat in the satisfaction of being right. Apologizing for the pain and difficulty of the current situation, even if you didn’t cause it, shows you place a higher value on the other person than you do on the need to be right.