Who wrote Musannaf abdul Razzaq?

Who wrote Musannaf abdul Razzaq?

As a collection of the musannaf genre, it contains over 18,000 traditions arranged in topical order….Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq.

Author ʽAbd al-Razzaq al-Sanʽani
Genre Musannaf hadith collection
Published 8th/9th century CE
Original text Muṣannaf ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Sanʿānī at Arabic Wikisource

Who was Abdur Razzaq in history?

Abdur Razzaq was a reluctant traveller, who left Herat only at the order of his monarch, and who swore in his travelogue that he would never make a voyage again. He had his reasons—his brother died on the passage to India, and he himself was caught up in court intrigues that nearly killed him.

What does Al Razzaq mean?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Razzaq, Razzak or Razak (Arabic, Persian, Urdu: رزاق) is one of the names of God in Islam, meaning provider or sustainer.

What is musnad and Musannaf collections?

The best known musnad collection is Ibn Hanbal’s Musnad. • The musannaf collections gather Hadiths according to their subject matter. • They are useful for understanding the Prophet’s teachings on a particular point of belief or. practice.

What is Abdul Razak?

Abdur Razzaq (Arabic: عبد الرزاق‎) is a male Muslim given name, and in modern usage, surname. It is built from the Arabic words Abd, al- and Razzaq. The name means “servant of the all-provider”, Ar-Razzāq being one of the names of God in the Qur’an, which give rise to the Muslim theophoric names.

Is Wakeel a name of Allah?

The Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon. Allah is Al-Wakeel the one and only who can be trusted with all our affairs. He is the supreme trustee, guardian and administrator.

What is meant by Musannaf?

Etymologically, musanna is the passive particle of the Arabic verb sannafa, meaning to arrange by chapter, and so has the literal meaning of something that is sectionally arranged.

How the Musannaf collection served an important function in law and hadith literature?

Well-developed answers could discuss how the Musannaf collection served an important function in law and Hadith literature. Later scholars referred to Musannaf collections to know legal opinions of the Companions and Successors and Hadith critics used them as evidence when establishing the authenticity of a Hadith.

What is the meaning of Abdul Razzaq?

What is the Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq?

The Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq or ‘Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq’ (Arabic: مصنف عبدالرزاق‎) is a very early book of Hadith that was collected by ‘Abd ar-Razzaq as-San‘ani. It not only contains a huge number of hadith attributed directly to Muhammad, but also from the Sahaba and early Muslim scholars.

Who was Imam Abdul Razzaq and what did he do?

Imam Abdul Razzaq took some of the Hadith from Imam Abu Hanifa also. Imam Abdul Razzaq was a great scholar of Islam. He has an exceptional knowledge of Hadith, and he has the credit of compiler of the first Hadith book.

Who was the author of the Book of Musannaf?

This “Musannaf” was published by Habib ur Rahman Al-A’zami from many manuscripts, and the book was beginning with the chapter of washing the hands in Wudhu in the book of purification, and it seemed that one or two pages were missing in the beginning.

Is the work of’abd al-Razzaq reliable?

But since the reliability of such reports is no more certain than that of the statements of our author, we have to find a solution from the work of ‘Abd al-Razzäq itself. The clue to it can be found by analyzing the four largest clusters, or complexes, of trans- missions in a bit greater depth.