Who wrote War and Peace book?

Who wrote War and Peace book?

Leo Tolstoy

In which language was the book War and Peace originally written?


What Russian author and philosopher wrote the acclaimed novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina?

When was War and Peace published?


What is the first line of war and peace?

The actual opening lines of “War and Peace”: “Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes.

Why is war and peace so good?

“War and Peace is epic in scope as well as tone, relating a tale that still staggers the imagination.”In a famous essay describing his experience teaching writing in a village schoolhouse, he regretted corrupting the children’s talents with his Europeanized sensibility; left to their own devices, they could relate …

Is War and Peace boring?

Sometimes it gets a bit boring with long descriptions and slow events but it still is the best book I’ve ever read. You need to read it fast and don’t give up if you get bored because it will be worth it ten times over when you’re done.

Is war and peace difficult?

War and Peace is not hard, it’s just long, and other advice on how to read the classics. But you might have time right now. And what you’ll likely find as you get deeper and deeper into the book is that it’s wonderfully readable. The book has battle scenes.

Which version of War and Peace is best?

1. Anthony Briggs translation. For me, the best translation of War and Peace will always be the Anthony Briggs translation. This is Penguin’s chosen translation, which they switched to from Rosemary Edmonds’s translation.

Is war and peace the greatest book ever written?

Widely acknowledged as the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is also a perennial bestseller, with new editions appearing regularly, almost a century and a half after its first publication.

How many hours does it take to read War and Peace?

38 hours

Is war and peace the longest book?

Traditionally, Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus, has been considered the longest novel, but has lately been surpassed by at least one novel, or two depending on the criterion used to determine the length….List.

Book title Война и мир (War and Peace)
Author Leo Tolstoy
Page count 1,456 paperback
Volumes 1
Page size 7 x 1 x 5 inches

Who is the fastest reader on Earth?

Howard “Speedy” Berg

What is a good WPM reading rate?

around 200 to 250 words per minute

What is the average wpm typed?

50 to 80 wpm

What is the average WPM reading for a 13 year old?

Average Reading Speed by Age and Grade Level

Grade Level and Age Words-Per-Minute
6th-8th Grade (Spring) 11, 12, 13, 14 years old 150 – 204 wpm
Highschool 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old 200 – 300 wpm
College 18-23 years old 300 – 350 wpm
Adults 220 – 350 wpm

How fast can an average human read?

200 to 250 words a minute

Can you read 1000 words per minute?

“If you understand and appreciate that,” says Elizabeth Schotter, a cognitive psychologist at UC San Diego, “it becomes really obvious that no human being can read 1,000 or 2,000 words per minute and maintain the same levels of comprehension they do at 200 or 400 words per minute.”

How many hours does Bill Gates read?


Is it possible to read as fast as Spencer Reid?

While it is possible to read that much, we wouldn’t be able to retain as much as Reid does if any of it. People get faster at reading if they read a lot and people do speed read. Speed reading is probably more what Reid does, but he’s a genius. Geniuses have a higher chance of being able to read as fast as he does.