Why did Jose Garcia Villa write the footnote to youth?

Why did Jose Garcia Villa write the footnote to youth?

Footnote to Youth By Jose Garcia Villa. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is a brief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today.

What was the author’s purpose when he wrote the story footnote to youth?

What was the author’s purpose when he wrote the story footnote to youth? The author of Footnote to Youth tells the story and he use omniscient as a point of view. The reader distinguishes about the reaction and feelings of the characters in the story. Dodong when he is seventeen and seeking to marry his love Teang.

How does Jose Garcia Villa describe the youth in the story of footnote to youth?

Answer: In “Footnote to Youth” by José García Villa, Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it.

When did Jose Garcia Villa wrote footnote to youth?


What is the summary of footnote to youth?

In “Footnote to Youth” by José García Villa, Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it.

What does the worm symbolize in the story footnote to youth?

The part where he jerks his foot to fling the worm into the air might have also symbolized his youth. I believe our youth is something that should be enjoyed, since this is the time where we aren’t bound by heavy responsibilities yet. The worm symbolizes these responsibilities, and he was able to shake it off.

How old is Dodong when he wants to get married?

17 year old

What did Dodong consider in himself that makes him ready for marriage?

Dodong believed that, at 17, he was a mature adult and ready for marriage. Nine months later, with the birth of his first child, he realizes that he is young and becomes troubled with his life.

Why did Dodong resent his father’s silence when he told him he wanted to marry teang?

His father looked old now. “I am going to marry Teang,” Dodong said. The silence became intense and cruel, and Dodong wished his father would suck that troublous tooth again. Dodong was uncomfortable and then became angry because his father kept looking at him without uttering anything.

Which is the best setting of the story footnote to youth?

Answer: “Footnote to Youth” is a short story written by Jose Garcia Billa in 1933. The setting is not explicitly stated, but it is in a rural area where they work as farmers. The story takes place around the same time it was written, and it tells of a couple that gets married at a young age.

Why did Jose Garcia Villa write the footnote to youth?

Why did Jose Garcia Villa write the footnote to youth?

Footnote to Youth By Jose Garcia Villa. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is a brief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today.

What was the author’s purpose when he wrote the story footnote to youth *?

The author of Footnote to Youth tells the story and he use omniscient as a point of view. The reader distinguishes about the reaction and feelings of the characters in the story. Dodong when he is seventeen and seeking to marry his love Teang.

How does Jose Garcia Villa describe the youth in the story of footnote to youth?

Answer: In “Footnote to Youth” by José García Villa, Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it.

What is the message of the story footnote to youth?

The theme of the story Footnote to Youth means that people will always go with their feelings without hesitations they will do anything to get what they want specially the youth and then regretting it at the end.

Who is the main character of footnote to youth?


What made Dodong feel that he was no longer a boy but a man?

Explanation: Dodong made him feel that he was no longer a boy but a man when he started to have pimples on his face and his upper lip already was dark(indicates mustache).

Why did Dodong allow Blas to get married despite his experience of marrying at an early age?

Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father’s permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. Teang did not complain even though she secretly regretted being married at an early age.

Did Dodong regret marrying early?

A big regret have happened to Dodong for after 18 years, his son Blas decided also to marry early just like what happened to him way back when he was 17. He have nothing to do but just to let his child marry Tona his son’s girl. It is so sad seeing a child suffer because his family is not complete.

Is Dodong regretted his decision from the past?

Answer. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage – because Dodong doesn’t want Blas to end up like him. It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the past.

Why do you think Dodong is hesitant to tell his father about teang?

Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow, and led it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it, he wanted his father to know what he had to say was of serious importance as it would mark a climacteric in his life.

How did the father react to Dodong’s request for marriage?

The very first reaction of Dodong’s father is silence. Therefore, the correct answer is Option D – inflexible silence. During the time when Dodong told his father about his plan of marrying Teang, his father was sitting in the room sucking his diseased tooth.