Why do Anne and Dussel argue?

Why do Anne and Dussel argue?

Why do Anne and Dussel argue? Anne and her mother don’t always get long and her mother gets very upset with her attitude.

What news does Dussel bring the families?

What kind of news does Dussel bring and how does it affect the others? He brings news that Jews are being deported at an alarming rate. Anne is extremely upset when she hears that her best friend’s family has been taken away. Everyone is shocked and saddened and they begin to ask about people they once knew.

Why is Peter glad to remove the yellow star?

Why is Peter glad to remove the yellow star from his clothing when he arrives at the Annex? He wishes that he were no longer Jewish. He believes that the Nazis branded him with it. He dislikes the outdoors and is glad to stay inside.

Why did Franks wear so many layers of clothing?

The Franks and the others know that they will be in the Annex indefinitely, so they must bring us much as they can with them to last for the duration. They wear as much as they can, in anticipation that this is all the clothes they will have. Carrying luggage for clothes will also cause suspicion from the Nazis.

Why does Mr Frank Dance with Anne when no one else will?

Why does Mr. Frank dance with Anne when no one else will? He wants her to enjoy her time. You just studied 16 terms!

Why did Anne find it difficult to destroy the Star of David?

Why did Anne Find it difficult to destroy the Star of David? Anne Frank wanted to be an artist and writer. But, she was not able to do this because she was a Jew.

Which of the following is the best reason that Anne and Peter often tease each other?

Which sentence best explains the reason that Anne and Peter often tease each other in The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I? They each want to make the other angry. They are growing fond of each other.

What is Mr Dussel personality?

Dussel in the diary. Anne finds Mr. Dussel particularly difficult to deal with because he shares a room with her, and she suffers the brunt of his odd personal hygiene habits, pedantic lectures, and controlling tendencies.

What profession does Margot want to pursue?


When and why must the Franks and the others be quiet?

Why must the Franks and the Van Daans be quiet during the day? They must be quiet because the workers come to work from 8:30 to 6 and they don’t want to make noise that the workers can hear. In fear that they might get caught.

What does Mr Frank mean when he says there are no locks that anyone can put on your mind?

What does the quote, “There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.” This means that no one, not even the people who oppress you the most, can limit your imagination and your ability to learn.

Who does Mr Dussel have to share a room with?

Dussel, a middle aged male stranger, instead of her sister Margot? When Mr. Dussel arrived, he was assigned a bed in Anne’s room, instead of the more sensible solution of giving this grown man his own room, and moving Anne and Margot together.

What is Anne’s relationship with her father like?

Initially, the relationship between Otto Frank and his daughter Anne is a strong one. Anne is very much “daddy’s girl” and can do little wrong in his eyes. From her diary, the reader senses that Anne sees a kindred spirit in her father, someone who understands her in a way that no one else truly does.

Why did Anne Like her father more than she likes her mother?

Answer : According to Anne, her father ‘Pim’ was the best father in the world. He was very protective of Anne but held himself back in order to see his daughter grow. The father and daughter were close, and he was more of a friend than a parent for her.

Why did Anne Like her father more than she liked her mother?

Why did Anne like her father more than she liked her mother ? Her father loved Anne for being the person she was, defending his daughter but also reprimanding her when it was necessary. He was also quite protective towards her and interested in the little things that she was interested in.

What does Anne Frank say about her father?

Answer. Initially, the relationship between Otto Frank and his daughter Anne is a strong one. Anne is very much “daddy’s girl” and can do little wrong in his eyes. From her diary, the reader senses that Anne sees a kindred spirit in her father, someone who understands her in a way that no one else truly does.

What did Anne Frank do to pass?

During the two years in hiding, Anne wrote about events in the Secret Annex, but also about her feelings and thoughts. In addition, she wrote short stories, started on a novel and copied passages from the books she read in her Book of Beautiful Sentences. Writing helped her pass the time.