Why does equality think that the Council of Scholars is blind?

Why does equality think that the Council of Scholars is blind?

Why does Equality think that the Council of Scholars is blind? They believe all things that aren’t known by everyone don’t exist. Equality feels knowledge is for those who seek it.

How does equality 7-2521 think the World Council of Scholars will feel about his discovery?

what does equality 7-2521 notice about the transgressor? how does equality 7-2521 think the world council of scholars will feel about his discovery? he thinks he’ll be reassigned to the council of scholars and become a scholar. what revelations about himself does equality 7-2521 have in chapter 5?

Why is the World Council of Scholars Concerned about equality’s discovery?

Why is the World Council of Scholars concerned about Equality’s discoveries? It would wreck the Plans of the World Council, and it would make the men’s work easier.

Why is the Council angry with equality 72521?

Equality 7-2521 was forbidden to see the image of his body and his reflection because the law forbids individuality. The World Council of Scholars are angry because they are violating the law. He had help himself as one alone, and he didn’t think of the community.

Why is I the unspeakable word in Anthem?

They had torn out the tongue of the Transgressor, so that they could speak no longer. The Transgressor has spoken the word I, the “unspeakable word,” and the cutting out of his tongue is a symbolic gesture of silencing him as well as all individuality. …

What is the one crime punishable by death in Anthem?

Speaking the Unspeakable Word is the only crime punishable by death.

What happens if someone breaks a law and gets caught in Anthem?

He stole a candle so he could see to work and write in his tunnel; if caught, he would be sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention for ten years (this shows the harshness of the society’s punishment for breaking the laws.)

Why does equality Want to escape?

Escaping from detention was essential for Equality 7-2521 as he wanted to show the members of the World Council of Scholars the bulb that he had found in the Tunnel. He thought that they would appreciate what he had found and it would be put to use as a new source of light.

What crime does equality 7-2521 not commit?

Thus Equality 7-2521 is not allowed to think and is forbidden to study science. Instead he is made a Street Sweeper. The teachers and Councils knew from his youth that his intelligence and eagerness to learn stood out. He was beyond his brothers and sisters in this respect.

What other transgressions does equality commit?

What other transgressions does Equality commit? He has stolen candles, flints, knives, and paper from the Home of the Street Sweepers. He has stolen glass vials, powders, and acids from the Home of the Scholars.

Why does he think he will not be punished for his transgressions?

He will present his discovery to the World Council of Scholars. Why does he think he will not be punished for his transgressions? His gift is greater than his transgressions.

What does the golden one offer to equality?

The Unconquered the secret name that the Golden One has given to Equality 7-2521 in the privacy of her own mind. She loves him because his straightness of spine and pride of bearing show that his soul has not been conquered by the state.

What happens when equality presented his discovery?

What did Equality intend to do with his discovery? Present it to the World Council of Scholars and they will forgive him because he thinks the gift is greater than his transgressions.

Which is not a rule or expectation of society members in chapter 2 Anthem?

Chapter 2: Which is NOT a rule or expectation of society members in Chapter 2? Men and women should not take notice of each other. People in different jobs cannot talk unless they are at the Social Meeting.

Who lives in the home of peasants anthem?

Home of the Peasants place of residence for the women who toil in the fields outside of the city limits. Liberty 5-3000 lives here with the other women who engage in the work of farming.

Who is the golden one in Anthem?

The Golden One A beautiful peasant with whom Equality 7-2521 falls madly in love. The Golden One demonstrates her subservience to Equality 7-2521 by allowing him to change her name from Liberty 5-3000 to the Golden One, and later, Gaea. The Golden One is proud and vain, strong and bitter.