Why does Friar Lawrence seem nervous about Paris request How is this dramatic irony based on the definition?

Why does Friar Lawrence seem nervous about Paris request How is this dramatic irony based on the definition?

Scene One. 1. Why does Friar Lawrence seem so uneasy about Paris’s request? married to Romeo; this is dramatic irony because the audience knows Friar Lawrence knows, but he is pretending he doesn’t know about Juliet not wanting to marry Paris.

How is the final scene in the tomb an example of dramatic irony What do we know that Romeo doesn t?

The audience knows that Romeo and Juliet are married, the circumstances of the marriage, and everything leading up to this scene, including the fact that Juliet isn’t dead but simply in a deep sleep from having taken Friar Laurence’s death-simulating sleeping potion.

How is Juliet’s meeting with Paris dramatic irony?

What dramatic irony is present here? The last time Juliet talked to his father, she was refusing to marry Paris. She tells him that she now wants to marry Paris. The dramatic irony is that her father thinks that she is excited to marry Paris, when she is really excited to carry out the plan.

Which option is the most relevant piece of evidence for this claim more should be done to protect Internet privacy?

The answer is C: a quotation from a computer engineer who creates new internet security programs.21. maj 2018.

Which phrase best describes the role of hyperbole in a written work apex?

The phrase that best describes the role of hyperbole in a written work is C) to exaggerate. If you say – I have been waiting for you for a hundred years, when you are waiting for someone for a half an hour, that would be a hyperbole.25. jul 2016.

Which phrase best describes the role of understatement in a written work?

Answer: The phrase that describes the best the role of understatement in a written work. Explanation: An understatement is a figure of speech that modifies the level of consideration a statement has, in other words, it says that something is not that hard, bad, easy or loud.7. sep 2018.

What element of a written work best determines if the work is sarcastic or not?

Context Correct

Why do writers use sarcasm?

An author may use sarcasm in literature to add humor or cynicism. It can also add variety to an author’s writing. The use of sarcasm can make the reading more interesting to the audience. Finally, an author may use sarcasm to help develop a character.6. okt 2016.