Why does Juliet say the bird they hear is a nightingale while Romeo says it is a lark?

Why does Juliet say the bird they hear is a nightingale while Romeo says it is a lark?

Juliet wants the bird to be the nightingale instead of the lark because the nightingale only sings at night, while the lark sings in the morning. If it’s the nightingale they heard, that means Romeo can stay with her a bit longer, but if it’s the lark, then Romeo has to leave – her room, and Verona.

What Bird does Juliet dread hearing and why?

The lark

What Bird does Juliet hear?

the lark

Why does Juliet compare Romeo to a bird?

Juliet compares her desire to control Romeo’s whereabouts to a spoiled child who has a pet bird tied by a thread like a prisoner in shackles.

What does Romeo say is more dangerous than Juliet’s kinsmen?

What does Romeo say is more dangerous than Juliet’s kinsmen? He says that there is more danger in Juliet’s eye than in 20 of her kinsmen’s swords.

What is Juliet compared to?

Romeo compares Juliet to light, to the sun, and to the stars. He is praising er beauty and his love for her.

What does Romeo say a kiss from Juliet will take from him Act 1?

Romeo says that a kiss from Juliet will rid him of his sins. WHAT does Romeo say a kiss from Juliet will take from him? Juliet wants Romeo to have a different name because lady Capulet knows that Romeo is a montague and they don’t get along. So they can be together without conflict.

What does Romeo ask Juliet to do when he meets her?

Marry him Kiss him Run away Sing songs.

How does Romeo find out who Juliet is?

Romeo finds out that Juliet’s last name is Capulet from the nurse explaining who her mother is. Romeo finds out that Juliet’s last name is Capulet from the nurse explaining who her mother is. The nurse was explaining how Juliet’s mom is “wise and vigorous” (127).

Where do Romeo and Juliet first kiss?

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

Why was biting your thumb an insult?

Biting your thumb—placing a thumb behind your front top teeth and then flicking it out—is a symbolic gesture similar to “flipping someone off.” The action is a silent and immature way to insult someone and could be interpreted as an invitation to violence.

What were Juliet’s last words?

O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die. O, I am slain!