Why does the tiger go to the water hole?

Why does the tiger go to the water hole?

According to the poet, the tiger should be lurking in the shadow of the long grass near the water hole in order to prey on the deer who come to the water body to have their fill of water.

What is water hole?

1 : water hole sense 1. 2 : a place where people gather socially especially : watering place sense 3. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about watering hole.

Where should tigers be hiding?

According to the poet, he i.e. the tiger should be lurking (hiding) in shadow (of trees or stones).

Where is the tiger now where should he be and why?

Answer: The poet thinks that the tiger should have been in the jungle, lurking in the shadow of long grass to prey on the deer near the water hole. He should also be on the outskirts of the jungle snarling around houses and terrifying villagers.

How does Tiger feel in the zoo?

Answer Expert Verified The tiger feels slave in the concrete cell. It feels like a prisoner. It misses its freedom in the forest where it should be lurking in the shadows; stalking its prey in the long grass near water hole, where deer come to drink water and where it lurks to pounce on them….

Do you think the tiger is happy in the zoo?

Answer: Tigers that were once roaming free and wild which are captured and put in a zoo are definitely not going to be happy and will show its displeasure by growling and snarling. If it has a big place to wander as in some very well maintained spacious zoos and not cooped up in a small cage it will be contented….

What is the message of the poem a tiger in the zoo?

The message conveyed by the poem is that just like humans, animals too long for freedom and do not like being caged. For instance, the tiger in the poem longs to be in the jungle and he looks longingly at the shining stars in the sky. By looking at the stars, the tiger hope to be with nature some day….

Is the tiger happy to see visitors at the zoo?

Answer. Explanation: the tiger is not happy to see visitors at the zoo as for the entertainment of the visitors the animals are locked in a cage and are not even free to move……

What describes the tiger in a jungle?

The tiger in the jungle is majestic. He is free and lies under the shades and hunts for prey. He moves near the water because food is in plenty there. Sometimes he growls and terrorises the villagers….

What should the tiger be doing if he were in the jungle?

What should the tiger be doing if he were at the edge of the jungle? The tiger would be moving around the houses in a nearby village. He would be growling while moving around. The sight of his white fangs and his terrible claws would fill the villagers with terror….

How is the zoo a painful home of the tiger?

Answer: Zoo can be a painful home or the tiger and also a happy place… in most of the zoos the tigers are not treated properly, they are not given food on time, etc…. therefore this way can be a painful home for the tiger…….

In what mood is the tiger in his cell in the zoo?

Ans. In the zoo, in his small cage and devoid of freedom, the tiger feels unhappy rather frustrated, restless and angry. In the forest, he enjoys moving majestically wherever he wants, terrorizes the villagers by displaying his sharp teeth and claws….

How does the tiger look in his cage?

‘How does the tiger look in his cage? A: The tiger has sharp ,clear stripes on his body . He looks majestic as he moves slowly and quietly in his cage . He has soft velvety pads .

What is the caged tiger not likely to say the visitor?

Answer: d) visitors and patrolling cars….

What is Tiger’s attitude towards visitors?

Answer: The tiger is not comfortable in the part of the cell and it has not natural habitat and other problem. He treats the tiger imprisoned in a cell and he takes no interest in the visitors so it will be more comfortable for the people to stay and watch the tiger in zoo in a fine manner at every time….

Why is his rage quit?

The Tiger expresses his rage quietly because there is nothing he can do from behind the bars of his cage. He is helpless as his strength is now imprisoned inside the cage due to the fancies of man….

Why did the Tiger Walk away?

The tiger was dozing under a tree when the mosquito came buzzing by. The tiger hit his cheek with his own paw because of which it started bleeding. The tiger walked away because he was helpless.

Why is the tiger angry In the poem a tiger in the zoo?

Answer: The tiger tries to control his anger by quietly walking in the limited area of his cage. He is angry because he is not free. Personification: The tiger is personified because the poet refers him as ‘he’….

What two images of the tiger are presented in the poem a tiger in the zoo?

Answer:A tiger in the zoo and a tiger in it’s natural habitat are the two images in the poem ….

What would the Tiger do in Forest?

What would the tiger do in a forest? In the forest, the tiger can enjoy complete freedom. He would walk around freely without any fear. He would terrorize the villagers by growling….

What does the tiger do at night?

The tiger keeps awake till late in the night. He hears the noise of the patrolling cars moving around in the zoo. The brilliant stars shine in the sky and his brilliant eyes shine in the night. He can’t free himself but he keeps on watching the brilliant stars standing behind the bars of his caged habitat….

Why should the tiger be lurking in shadow?

Explanation: According to the poet, the tiger should be lurking in the shadow of the long grass near the water hole in order to prey on the deer who come to the water body to have their fill of water….

What has gone wrong to the real strength of the Tiger?

Answer. Answer: He cannot come out of it because strong bars fixed at the concrete cell stop him. Thus the poet says that the tiger’s strength is locked behind the bars….

Why does the deer frequents the water hole?

A deer comes to the water hole frequently to quench its thirst. It is often hunted by a hunter at the water hole ….

Who passes near the water hole in a tiger in the zoo?

(c) The fat deer pass near the water hole. (d) The tiger should hide to himself near the water hole. (e) The rhyming words are grass-pass. STANZA 3 He should be snarling around houses At the jungle’s edge.

Which fact does not connect with the significance of the water hole for the tiger?

ii )Which fact DOES NOT connect with the significance of the water hole for the tiger? b) Prey feed in the water on water-lilies, and often wander into the middle of the water hole, where they are vulnerable and easy for the tiger to kill….