Why is comb honey so expensive?

Why is comb honey so expensive?

Comb honey (or honeycomb) is more expensive than liquid honey due to its higher production costs (one-time use of beeswax, additional labor for extraction, and increased packaging costs). processed, liquid honey while high volumes of imported honey help keep the price of liquid honey down.

Can you eat honey from brood comb?

If you’re accustomed to eating comb honey then you may also enjoy eating brood honeycomb. Indeed in some parts of the world this dark comb honey is prized more than other types of honey. The build up of pollen etc., from the brood rearing process is said to impart additional beneficial enzymes.

How much is comb honey worth?

While that is not the norm, comb honey at farmers markets and small retail outlets often hovers around $1 an ounce–especially in urban areas.

Is honey with the comb better?

It is perfectly safe (and delicious) to consume both the honey and the waxy hexagonal containers of the comb. In fact, the added chewy texture of the comb is a bonus. Honeycomb varies in taste (just like honey) depending on the environment and which flowers the bees predominantly pollinated to produce nectar.

How long will honeycomb keep?

Store in a sealed container somewhere cool and dry – not the fridge. The honeycomb will keep for a week. Try dipping the pieces of honeycomb in melted chocolate – they will keep for longer, about 1 month.

Is honeycomb and beeswax the same thing?

Beeswax is the substance from which honeycomb is made. Beeswax is a lipid-like all other waxes. Honeybees secrete beeswax from eight glands with openings on their lower abdomen. These scales are then chewed and softened by worker bees and formed into hexagonal cells within the honeycomb.

What does black honeycomb mean?

When areas of a hive’s honeycomb turn dark-colored or black, it indicates that those combs are being used to rear baby bees. The same honeycomb cells are used to house baby bees again and again, and a build-up of pollen, bee spit, and other debris is what causes the bee frames to blacken.

Is eating the honeycomb good for you?

Honey and its comb are edible and offer numerous health benefits, such as fighting infections and improving heart health. Honeycomb may also boost liver function and serve as a sugar alternative for people with diabetes. That said, honeycomb remains rich in sugars, so should be consumed with moderation.

Can you buy honey on the comb?

Comb honey, also called honeycomb is the most natural honey you can buy – we cut the comb honey right off the wooden frames. Comb honey is taken directly from the hive just as the bees made it.

Can you eat real honeycomb?

And yes, the comb is totally safe to eat. People have been keeping bees — and eating the honeycomb — for several thousand years. The comb itself — a network of hexagonal cylinders — is made from waxy secretions of worker bees. As these cylinders are filled with honey, they are capped with yet another layer of wax.

Is honeycomb good for diabetics?

Honeycomb may be a good alternative to sugar for people with diabetes. That’s in part because honey is much sweeter than sugar, so smaller quantities are needed to attain the same level of sweetness. Additionally, honey appears to raise blood sugar levels less than refined sugar ( 29 ).