Why is comparative education important as a field of study?

Why is comparative education important as a field of study?

Comparative education provides reference for reforms. The study helps students to improve the education in their home country. Comparative education helps students to acquire better understanding of education system of other countries and borrow some aspects for better improvement of education at home.

What is Comparative Education Study?

Comparative education is a fully established academic field of study that examines education in one country (or group of countries) by using data and insights drawn from the practices and situation in another country, or countries.

What is comparative education as defined by Osokoya?

In the same vein, Osokoya (1992) observed that: Comparative Education could be the comparison of educational theory and practice within a society, state, region and nations that scholars could engage in the comparison of educational programmes, theories and practices even within one society.

What is comparative education What is the scope of comparative education?

Concept of Comparative Education Comparative education is the field of education that analyses the education system of a country by using data and systems from other countries, and designs policies to improve education.

What are the factors of comparative education?

11 Importance Factors Responsible For the Growth of Comparative Education

  • The Geographical Factor:
  • The Economic Factor:
  • The Racial Factor:
  • The Linguistic Factors:
  • The Philosophical Factor:
  • The Moral Factor:
  • The Religious Factor:
  • The Factors of Socialism:

What are the approaches to the study of comparative education?

In the various methods of the study of comparative education the following are noteworthy Quantitative, Descriptive, Sociological, Historical, Analytical and Synthetic.

What are uses of comparative education?

Comparative Education and Its Application. Comparative education is a research framework that uses the comparative method to explore similarities and differences in educational systems and practices, including comparing systems across regions and countries.

What is the purpose of comparative and international education?

Comparative and International Education is a vast, rich, and growing field of inquiry that is concerned with the academic study of a wide range of key educational issues and themes across a range of cultures, countries and regions.

What is the use of comparative education?

Comparative education is a research framework that uses the comparative method to explore similarities and differences in educational systems and practices, including comparing systems across regions and countries.

What is the main scope of comparative education?

It is an area of study which compares current educational theory and practice in various countries with a view to broadening and deepening understanding of the problems of education across national boundaries.

What is the scope of comparative study?

The scope of Comparative Politics includes the study of all the formal and informal, governmental and extra-governmental, which are directly or indirectly involved in the struggle for power taking place in each state.

What are the four phases of comparative education?


  • The Phase of Traveler’s Tales.
  • The Phase of Selective Education Borrowing (1817-1900)
  • The Phase of Cultural Context or the Period of Philosophers (1900-1945)
  • The Phase of Social Science Perspectives -1945 to present.

What is the purpose of comparative education according to good?

Comparative Education according to Good (1962) is a field of study dealing with the comparison of current educational theory and practice in different countries for the purpose of broadening and deepening understanding of educational problems beyond the boundaries of one’s own country.

Is the subject of Comparative Education an interdisciplinary subject?

A critical look at the various definitions of the discipline no doubt reveals that Comparative Education is an interdisciplinary subject since it relies on other subjects to be able to accomplish its objectives.

Which is a result of an interdisciplinary approach to education?

Education is a process of human development as well as an independent field of study or discipline. Most of the content of education is the result of an interdisciplinary approach. Some fundamental questions related to education can be best answered by other disciplines.

Who was one of the pioneers of Comparative Education?

Another pioneer in the field of Comparative Education was Horace Mann of America who after a six-month visit to Europe also published his findings in 1843 on educational institutions and practices in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany as well as Holland.