Why is heat fixing important?

Why is heat fixing important?

Heat fixation ensures the elimination of contaminating organisms from the smear preparation. Heat fixation adheres the cells to the slide and coagulates the bacterial proteins, effectively killing the bacteria. Heat fixation is necessary to provide contrast between the cells and the background.

What happens if you don’t heat fix your slide?

You forgot to heat-fix your slide. Heat-fixing the slide fixes the bacteria to the slide surface. If this step is not done, the bacteria in the smear would be washed off of the slide during the staining and decolorization steps. You would not see anything on the slide under the microscope.

What happens if the slide is not heat fixed before staining?

If the preparation is not fixed, the organisms will be washed off the slide during staining. The heat coagulates the organisms’ proteins causing the bacteria to stick to the slide.

What are two purposes of heat fixation?

Two purposes of heat fixation are: Kill the microbes. Living bacteria contain enzymes that can breakdown the structures of the bacteria.

Is heat fixation done for all stains?

Heat fixation is not used in negative staining because the goal of the experiment is to view bacteria that has not been distorted by harsh staining or heat fixing. Heat fixing shrinks cells!

What 3 things does heat fixation accomplish?

Terms in this set (139)

  • causes the cells to adhere to the slide so it wont wash off.
  • Kills the microorganisms.
  • Causes changes in the bacterial cells which causes them to stain better.

What happens if you don’t add iodine to a Gram stain?

Question: What would happen as a result if you forget to use the mordant (iodine) when performing a Gram stain? it wouldn’t matter because iodine doesn’t color the cells B. both G+ and G- cells would look purple because the crystal violet dye would not be able to leak out of the cells during decolorization C.

What happens if you don’t add Decolorizer to a Gram stain?

Do NOT decolorize for a full minute! If the decolorizer is left on too long, even gram positive cells will lose the crystal violet and will stain red. The staining procedure is here.

What happens if you don’t add safranin to a Gram stain?

If the bacteria is Gram positive, it will retain the primary stain (crystal violet) and not take the secondary stain (safranin), causing it to look violet/purple under a microscope.

What can go wrong with Gram staining?

Several factors may affect the results of Gram staining: If the smear is too thick, proper decolorizing will not be possible. If the smear is overheated during heat fixing, the cell walls will rupture. Concentration and freshness of reagents may affect the quality of the stain.

What will happen if you skip a step during Gram staining?

Steps for gram staining: 95% ethanol, because it removes the primary stain (crystal violet) from Gram-negative cells. If missed, then the bacteria would remain purple and give a false positive result.