Why is it fitting that the lamb is featured in a volume titled Songs of Innocence?

Why is it fitting that the lamb is featured in a volume titled Songs of Innocence?

so because the lamb is one of the most, if not THE most vulnerable animal that is hunter,. that is why he is put in this. because his innocence to other predators is what causes him to be so easily hunted. so it is asking what is the lamb have to do with innocence.

Which sense does the imagery in this line appeal to?


Which sense does the imagery in this line appeal to 10 points and the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling?

The sense that is being appealed in this line is sound. Explanation: The grumbling is compared in this line to a mighty rumbling, to a strong sound that penetrates in the head.

Which word best describes the mood of this stanza from Edgar Allan Poe’s Raven 10 points?

The mood is slow, depressing, almost frightening, this is an excellent exceprt from Poe´s poem The Raven, Poe´s work is specially dark and depressing, in this excerpt you can read the “midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,” That makes you enter in the mood, of a depressing night, with a weak man.

Which is the most plausible theme in The Raven?

that feelings of loss will never go away

Which word best describes the tone of this stanza from Thomas Hardy’s The going 10 points?

A. Romantic

Which word best describes the mood of this stanza from Longfellow’s?


Which line best depicts a gloomy mood?

Answer Expert Verified. The lines that clearly depict a gloomy mood are “The day is cold, and dark, and dreary/It rains, and the wind is never weary.” Gloomy or depressed can be seen in the words cold, dark, dreary.

What is an example of a hyperbole in The Raven?

For the narrator in the story, he uses hyperbole to describe how he felt the bird was looking at him; ‘To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core…’ First of all, ravens have black eyes (not fiery ones) and they certainly do not look at anything so intensely that it feels like their eyes are burning …

How is imagery used in the Raven?

It is often misunderstood as the Raven’s flight. Imagery: Poe has skillfully used imagery to create images of the feeling of pain, horror, and grief while reading the poem. The following phrases “the silken”, “sad”, “uncertain” and “rustling of each curtain” are the best examples of imagery.

What literary devices does the raven use?

Poe’s use of alliteration, internal rhyme, repetition, and onomatopoeia gives a musical quality to his work. Poe’s use of these devices creates a hypnotic effect that draws the readers into the speaker’s world. Poe believed that every word in a poem was important and should create a “single effect.”

What is an example of a simile in The Raven?

In the Raven, a prime example of a simile is “On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.” The simile’s example above lets the audience understand the narrator is comparing when the raven may leave him to how his hopes/dreams were also a factor in his life that left the narrator.

How do the Lamb and the Tyger differ?

The difference is that the Lamb is considered meek and mild, showing that it is a harmless animal “Little Lamb who made thee/ Dost thou know who made thee ” (lines 15 & 16), while the Tyger is considered to be fearful and dreadful “Could frame thy fearful symmetry?” (1st stanza).

How do you say me in Shakespearean?

Shakespeare’s Pronouns Elizabethan English used a set of pronouns than we’re used to. The first person — I, me, my, and mine — remains basically the same. The second-person singular (you, your, yours), however, is translated like so: “Thou” for “you” (nominative, as in “Thou hast risen.”)

How do you use the word thine in a sentence?

Thine in a Sentence ?

  1. To thine own self you should always be true.
  2. Since the Lord has delivered thine enemies into thine hand, and only now might you become the victor.
  3. Thine eyes shall behold strange things in this land and it is best to use good judgement when talking to strangers.

What is the difference between shall and shalt?

3 Answers. Shalt is an archaic form (tense) of shall. Second person singular present. “Shalt” is the second person singular present tense of “shall,” and it is used with the word “Thou (you).”

How do you say me in archaic English?

Archaic and non-standard

  1. In archaic language, mine and thine may be used in place of my and thy when followed by a vowel sound.
  2. For the use of me instead of I, see I (pronoun)#Alternative use of nominative and accusative.
  3. An archaic form of plural you as a subject pronoun is ye.

Is your a personal pronouns?

There are two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun….Pronouns: possessive (my, mine, your, yours, etc.)

personal pronoun possessive determiner possessive pronoun
you (singular and plural) your yours
he his his
she her hers
it its its*