Why is the Railroad Earth considered both poetry?

Why is the Railroad Earth considered both poetry?

Why is “The Railroad Earth” considered both poetry and prose? It contains poetic elements but is much longer than typical poetry. It is a flowing narrative that has poetic rhythm but no line breaks. It contains internal rhyme schemes but uses them to describe a nonfiction story.

Which word best describes the narrator’s attitude toward the old timers in the lobby resentment envy pity distrust?

Pity is the correct answer.

Which lines from the poem facing it best reflects the narrator’s struggle between his desire to maintain control and the strong emotions that he feels?

War and violence leave a lasting impact on people, especially soldiers. War and violence leave a lasting impact on people, especially soldiers. Which lines from the poem “Facing It” best reflect the narrator’s struggle between his desire to maintain control and the strong emotions that he feels? I’m stone.

How does the author’s use of free verse allow him to effectively?

How does the author’s use of free verse allow him to effectively express his feelings about the memorial in the poem “Facing It”? The use of free verse allows him to use unconventional rhythm.

Which best describes the sequencing of ambush?

Which best describes the sequencing of “Ambush”? It relates events in the exact order in which they occurred. It includes multiple flashbacks about a variety of events. It contains a narrative that is told within another narrative.

Which best describes the central conflict in ambush?

Which best describes the central conflict in “Ambush”? The narrator is haunted by the experience of killing another man.

Which element is used in both ambush and facing it?

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Which structural element do “Ambush” and “Facing It” share? They include a flashback about an event.
Which element is used in both “Ambush” and “Facing It” to create tension and conflict? the conflicted thoughts of the narrators

Which event is described in both ambush and facing it?

In both “Ambush” and “Facing it” the death of a soldier is discussed.

How are the authors of ambush and facing it?

How are the authors of “Ambush” and “Facing It” similar in their view of war? Both authors have painful and conflicted feelings. You just studied 15 terms!

Which is a key feature of Kerouac’s diction that contributes to his writing style?

Which statement best describes how Kerouac’s use of syntax contributes to his writing style? Kerouac’s use of syntax gives his writing the natural ease and flow of informal conversation.

Which strategy is the best way to improve the written expression in a redundant sentence?

Which strategy is the best way to improve the written expression in a redundant sentence? Remove unnecessary repetition.

Which excerpt from Part One of trifles most develops the motives of the county attorney?

In part one of the play the motives of the County Attorney are developed when he questions the Sheriff if he saw anything that would motive the woman to kill her husband.

What feeling is conveyed in both ambush and facing it confusion fear anger hatred?

Confusion is conveyed in both “Ambush” and “Facing It.” Option A is correct. The authors of “Ambush” and “Facing It” are alike in their view of war since both have painful and conflicted feelings. Besides, both authors describe the death of a soldier.

Which best explains how the title of a rumor of war can be considered a paradox?

Answer: Wars are far too real and large scale to ever be considered merely rumors best explains how the title of A Rumor of War can be considered a paradox. To add, A Rumor of War is a 1977 memoir by Philip Caputo about his service in the United States Marine Corps in the early years of the Vietnam War.

How will Cynthia’s teacher most likely critique?

How will Cynthia’s teacher most likely critique her source material? The teacher will say that Cynthia did not make a good choice in source material because a nonfiction source would be more reliable. Read the excerpt from Iqbal.

Which is the best definition of the term magic realism?

Which is the best definition of the term “magic realism”? a narrative genre characterized by its use of fantastic or mythic elements in otherwise realistic fiction.

Which statement best explains the paradox in this excerpt?

Answer: The statement that best describes the author’s paradox is: It is odd that war should be viewed as an adventurous expedition.

Which excerpt from Dispatches is an example of paradox?

Explanation: The excerpt from Dispatches that is an example of paradox is: “And at night it was beautiful. Even the incoming was beautiful at night, beautiful and deeply dreadful.”

What was the purpose of the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?

The conclusion serves to establish the authority of the Second Continental Congress over issues of international affairs, war and peace, and trade. With these powers in hand, the Congress is empowered to run the affairs of government related to the declared war.

What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

The main purpose of America’s Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War had already begun, and several major battles had already taken place.

Where was written the Declaration of Independence?

The Graff House where Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. The house of Jacob Graff, brick mason, located at the southwest corner of Market and Seventh Street, Philadelphia, was the residence of Thomas Jefferson when he drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Which founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence?

Some of the signers are world famous – among them Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams – and some are obscure. The majority owned slaves – 41 of the 56, according to one study – though there were also ardent abolitionists among their number.

Who was most responsible for the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What ideas were contained in the declaration?

The Declaration of Independence

  • That all humans are born with “natural rights,” including the right to protect their lives, liberty, and property.
  • That government is a “social contract” between people and their rulers, which can be dissolved if rulers fail to promote the people’s welfare.

What ideas about government does Thomas Jefferson express in the Declaration of Independence?

In the second paragraph of the declaration, Jefferson stated his key ideas. He wrote that “all men are created equal.” And they have “unalienable rights.” These rights are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” He wrote that governments are set up to protect these rights.

Which lines from the poem facing it best reflect the narrator’s struggle between his desire to maintain control and the strong emotions that he feels?

What is the main purpose of the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare that the American colonies were free from British rule and that they were their own country. The purpose of the declaration of independence was to prove the cause that led the colonies to impel their separation.

What were Thomas Jefferson’s primary purposes in writing the Declaration of Independence?

Why did SC secede from the union?

When the ordinance was adopted on December 20, 1860, South Carolina became the first slave state in the south to declare that it had seceded from the United States. The declaration also claims that secession was declared as a result of the refusal of free states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Acts.