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Why is using empathy in a reasoned argument important?

Why is using empathy in a reasoned argument important?

a.So you can strengthen your own claim by understanding the opposition’s viewpoint. c.So you can defeat your opponent’s position, especially before the argument beginsD.So you can find evidence that disagrees with or disproves your own claim. …

How does empathy impact one’s decisions and or world view?

But empathy makes the experiences of others salient and important—your pain becomes my pain, your thirst becomes my thirst, and so I rescue you from the fire or give you something to drink. Empathy guides us to treat others as we treat ourselves and hence expands our selfish concerns to encompass others.

What is a person without empathy called?

Two psychological terms particularly associated with a lack of empathy are sociopathy and psychopathy. Psychopathy, which comes from the Greek roots psykhe, which refers to the mind, and pathos, which means suffering, has shifted in popular meaning over the years, but it has always been associated with mind sickness.

What jobs are good for Empaths?

Best Jobs for Empaths

  • Some empaths are sensitive to crowds and should choose calmer careers.
  • Jobs like artist, librarian and writer make great careers for empaths.
  • Jobs like nurse, teacher and veterinarian may be too emotionally draining for more sensitive empath types.

How do Empaths strengthen their abilities?

Here are just a few examples:

  1. Read a book on the subject.
  2. Take an online learning course on the nature and practice of empathy.
  3. Consult an expert.
  4. Attend a workshop or course in understanding others’ viewpoints, expressing that understanding, and other aspects of empathy.
  5. Use your imagination.
  6. Learn how to listen.

Is being an empath a superpower?

When we can see someone’s side of the story or experience, it is powerful that the person feels connected to us, and we feel connected to them, both emotionally and intellectually. Why I see empathy as a superpower is that it allows us to zoom in, so to speak, and really hold people, their feelings and experiences.