Why were the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials held?

Why were the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials held?

Following World War II, the victorious Allied governments established the first international criminal tribunals to prosecute high-level political officials and military authorities for war crimes and other wartime atrocities.

What precedent was established by the Nuremberg trials?

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trial on International Criminal Law. The Nuremberg trials established that all of humanity would be guarded by an international legal shield and that even a Head of State would be held criminally responsible and punished for aggression and Crimes Against Humanity.

Why were the Nuremberg trials significant?

The first international war crimes tribunal in history revealed the true extent of German atrocities and held some of the most prominent Nazis accountable for their crimes.

What made the Nuremberg trials so significant quizlet?

The Nuremberg Trials were held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. The Nazi War Criminals killed 6 million european Jews and 4 to 6 million non-jews. The Nuremberg Trials showed that the head of state could be held responsible for aggression and Crimes Against Humanity.

Who was tried at the Nuremberg trials quizlet?

Otto Ohlendorf, Heinz Jost, Erich Naumann, Otto Rasch, Erwin Schulz, and 19 others were tried in the Einsatzgruppen trials.

What does the movement of allied troops reveal about their strategy?

The Allies defeated a major German commander. What does the movement of Allied troops reveal about their strategy? The Allies overtook outlying islands to make access to Japan easier.

Which country was the last to join the Allied powers?

The correct answer is United States. The United States provided war materiel and money to the Allies all along, and officially joined in December 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

In what way was the Third Reich most successful quizlet?

In what way was the Third Reich most successful? Factories and the infrastructure were expanded. Dictators of _________states use terror and violence to control their populations. enacted numerous relief and welfare programs.

Why did the Soviet Union join the Allies?

Why did the Soviet Union join the Allies? The Soviet Union originally part of the Axis through the Non-Agression Pact. The Soviet Union joined the Allies after being invaded by Germany. An aggreement between Germany and the Soviet Union saying that they would not fight each other.

Why did the US and Soviet Union become enemies?

The Cold War was the war between the USSR and the USA which never actually came to direct fighting. Both tried to impose their ideologies on other countries – communism and capitalism – and gain superiority by the use of propaganda, espionage and the vast stores of weapons.

What event convinced the Soviet Union to join the Allies?

It was the Nazi invasion of Russia that convinced the soviet union to join the allies, since this meant that the United States, Britain and Russia now all shared a common enemy.

What were the major decisions made at the Yalta Conference?

At the Yalta Conference it was decided that Germany would be split into four occupying zones. It was also decided that the Soviet Union would attack Japan following the defeat of Nazi Germany. At the Yalta Conference, Stalin pledged that free elections would be held in Poland.

When they met at Yalta the Big Three disagreed about?

Why did the Big Three disagree about Poland at Yalta? Because Stalin wanted to move the USSR’s border into Poland, but Churchill and Roosevelt disapproved of this. Why was there nothing Churchill and Roosevelt could do about Stalin’s plans for Poland? Who persuaded Roosevelt to let Stalin have his way in Poland?

What issues that affected Germany were addressed at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences?

The major issue at Potsdam was the question of how to handle Germany. At Yalta, the Soviets had pressed for heavy postwar reparations from Germany, half of which would go to the Soviet Union.

What were the 5 principles agreed to at the Potsdam Conference?

Its policies were dictated by the “five Ds” decided upon at Yalta: demilitarization, denazification, democratization, decentralization, and deindustrialization.

What were the key decisions made at the Potsdam Conference?

The leaders arrived at various agreements on the German economy, punishment for war criminals, land boundaries and reparations. Although talks primarily centered on postwar Europe, the Big Three also issued a declaration demanding “unconditional surrender” from Japan.

What decisions were made at Yalta and Potsdam?

In a nutshell: The Yalta and Potsdam conferences

  • Berlin was divided into four zones. It had been agreed at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 that Germany would be divided into four zones and the same applied for the capital.
  • The Oder-Neisse line was created.
  • Germans in Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia were repatriated.

What was the result of the Potsdam Conference?

The Potsdam Conference resulted in divisions of Germany through reparations of each allied sides occupation zones, and divisions of European countries between the US and the USSR. After the division between the free world and communist camps, Stalin brought down an Iron Curtain to keep invasions from the West out.

What were the three main Allied conferences during WWII?

  • U.S.-British Staff Conference (1941)
  • First Inter-Allied Meeting (1941)
  • Atlantic Conference (1941)
  • Second Inter-Allied Meeting (1941)
  • First Moscow Conference (1941)
  • Arcadia Conference (1941– 1942)
  • Second Washington Conference (1942)
  • Second Moscow Conference (1942)

Why did Japan reject the Potsdam Declaration?

But many months after their surrender, Hirohito, Kido, and Foreign Minister Togo Shigenori placed all blame on the military and claimed that they had been forced to reject the Potsdam terms because they feared precipitating a military coup d’etat which would have threatened their lives and brought about a worse …

What was the main message of the Potsdam Declaration?

The Potsdam Declaration, or the Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender, was a statement that called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during World War II.

Why do Japanese never surrender?

Kamikaze. It was a war without mercy, and the US Office of War Information acknowledged as much in 1945. It noted that the unwillingness of Allied troops to take prisoners in the Pacific theatre had made it difficult for Japanese soldiers to surrender.

What would have happened if Japan didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor?

At the most extreme, no attack on Pearl Harbor could have meant no US entering the war, no ships of soldiers pouring over the Atlantic, and no D-Day, all putting ‘victory in Europe’ in doubt. On the other side of the world, it could have meant no Pacific Theatre and no use of the atomic bomb.

What if the US never entered ww2?

Without the American entry into World War II, it’s possible Japan would have consolidated its position of supremacy in East Asia and that the war in Europe could have dragged on for far longer than it did.

Why didn’t Japan invade Hawaii?

Imperial Japan didn’t want Hawaii, it was too far away from their primary manufacturing/production land (in simple terms). The only reason they attacked Pearl Harbor was to quickly and effectively decimate the USN’s inactive Pacific fleet in order to conquer all of Southeast Asia without major opposition.

What country is the hardest to invade?

10 Countries That Are Impossible To Invade

  • 10 Bhutan. This tiny country in South-East Asia has next to nothing when it comes to self-defense.
  • 9 Iran. Iran is one of the most powerful countries in the Middle-East.
  • 8 Australia. Again, Australia’s geography is its biggest immunity against invaders.
  • 7 Switzerland.
  • 6 North Korea.
  • 5 United Kingdom.
  • 4 Canada.
  • 3 Japan.

Could the Japanese have taken Hawaii?

In truth, the Japanese never had the slightest chance of successfully invading Hawaii, whether they triumphed at Midway or not. The main reason for this is the logistical ability of Japan to wage the Pacific War. The Japanese can’t mount an operation against Hawaii until August, 1942.

Why didn’t Japan invade Australia?

Prime Minister Hideki Tojo also consistently opposed invading Australia. Instead, Tojo favoured a policy of forcing Australia to submit by cutting its lines of communication with the US. In his last interview before being executed for war crimes Tojo stated, We never had enough troops to [invade Australia].