Will you please or can you please?

Will you please or can you please?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

Is it correct to say answer me?

If you are asking something and if he’s answering a sweeper, you can draw his attention by telling him, Answer to me (not him). However, you put an accent on the pronoun ‘me’ there (Thanks Araucaria). Answer to [someone] also works when the context is ‘reporting’ to someone.

How do you answer in a polite way?

How To Successfully Respond To A Question You Really Don’t Want To Answer

  1. Make Sure You Understand The Question.
  2. Take Time To Respond.
  3. Answer Part Of The Question.
  4. Postpone Your Answer.
  5. Turn Around the Pronouns.
  6. Divert The Question.
  7. Give The Asker Some Control.
  8. Watch Your Tone.

What is the correct way to ask for something?

  • In more formal situations. Excuse me… ….
  • Say hello. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.
  • Remember “please” and “thank you” “Please” normally goes at the end of the sentence:
  • Say “excuse me” If you ask someone who is doing something else, remember to say “excuse me”:

Can I ask you something Ka answer?

What’s the most polite way to answer “can I ask you a question?” If you’re willing to hear them out, then “Yes, you may” is polite, formal and grammatically correct. You are not obligated to answer their question if you don’t want to.

What is it called when you ask someone for something?

solicit. verb. formal to ask someone for something such as money or support.

What is another word for request?

What is another word for request?

call demand
application entreaty
plea prayer
requisition solicitation
supplication behest

What is a stronger word for request?

Synonyms for request. ask (for), order, put in (for), requisition.

Is a petition a formal request?

A petition is a formal request seeking a specific court order, made by a person, group, or organization to the court, typically at the start of a lawsuit. A plaintiff files a petition or complaint with the court in stage one of a civil lawsuit, specifying what the lawsuit is about.

What is the difference between a petition and a request?

The difference between Petition and Request When used as verbs, petition means to make a request to, commonly in written form, whereas request means to express the need or desire for. Petition as a noun: A formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures.

What are some examples of petition?

List of petition examples. Stop the legal killing of wildlife. STOP TROPHY HUNTING. Please do not cancel The Secret Circle!

What should be included in a petition?

Writing a good petition

  1. State clearly what change you want to make. Make this realistic and concrete.
  2. Direct the demand to the right people.
  3. Include accurate information and evidence.
  4. Make sure it is a clear record of people’s opinion.
  5. Write clearly.
  6. Get your timing right.
  7. Get your petition to the right place.

What power do Petitions have?

The Petition Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The right to petition has been held to include the right to file lawsuits against the government.

How many signatures does a petition need?

Create or sign a petition that asks for a change to the law or to government policy. After 10,000 signatures, petitions get a response from the government. After 100,000 signatures, petitions are considered for debate in Parliament.

How do you create an effective petition?

9 Tips for Creating Successful Petitions on Change.org

  1. Determine the mission of the petition.
  2. Set a reasonable goal.
  3. Identify the decision maker – a.k.a. the person in charge.
  4. Write a compelling petition.
  5. Get out the word.
  6. Use multiple channels to encourage conversation.
  7. Deliver the petitions.

Can you start a petition anonymously?

Unlike most political action committees, which often operate clandestinely, most people list their names, though readers can be anonymous and use John and Jane Doe to start petitions. The petition idea fit perfectly into what the Internet can do, since an individual can begin a petition online and circulate it online.

How do you write a petition sample?

Petition Letter Formats

  1. Title of the Petition.
  2. Recipient’s Organisation.
  3. Date (can be positioned to the left, right or centre, before/after or at the start)
  4. Re or Sub (as required)
  5. Dear Recipient (Salutation)
  6. 1st Paragraph – Details of the petition.
  7. 2nd Paragraph – Reason for petition, it’s outcomes etc.

How do you write a prayer petition?

How to get started with writing the prayer of petition

  1. Reason. The reason I write petitioning prayers, is because the Word says we should.
  2. Motivation. You need to figure out the “what” of your reason behind your prayer.
  3. Be Specific. Be specific!
  4. Scripture.
  5. Faith.
  6. Speak life.

What is an example of a petition prayer?

Prayer of petition examples that have a good chance of not being granted could be: Praying to hit the lottery, even if making a deal with God to give half to charity. Praying that harm will come to someone that you can’t stand. Praying that Team A will beat Team B at the game tomorrow.

What are the 3 basic prayers?

Mental prayer can be either meditation or contemplation. The basic forms of prayer are adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication, abbreviated as A.C.T.S.

How do you start a prayer?

What follows can help you learn how to pray.

  1. Prayer Has Four Simple Steps.
  2. Step 1: Address Heavenly Father.
  3. Step 2: Thank Heavenly Father.
  4. Step 3: Ask Heavenly Father.
  5. Step 4: Close in the Name of Jesus Christ.
  6. Praying in a Group.
  7. Pray Always, With Sincerity and With Faith in Christ.
  8. Prayers Will Always Be Answered.

Will you please or can you please?

Will you please or can you please?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

How do you politely ask a question?

Key Words That Make Direct Questions More Polite

  1. Excuse me, could you help me pick this up?
  2. Pardon me, could you help me?
  3. Pardon me, could you give me a hand?
  4. Could you explain this to me?

Is Can you please a question?

“Can” and “could” are both equally polite – the key word is “please”, which is present in both sentences. The sentence beginning with “please can…” is a question, and it should have a question mark. It is a mistake/omission by the writer.

How can I answer my question?

Take a beat, watch your tone, and other techniques to deal with a challenging line of questioning.

  1. Make Sure You Understand The Question.
  2. Take Time To Respond.
  3. Answer Part Of The Question.
  4. Postpone Your Answer.
  5. Turn Around the Pronouns.
  6. Divert The Question.
  7. Give The Asker Some Control.
  8. Watch Your Tone.

How do you tell a woman she is attractive?

5 Ways To Tell A Woman She Is Attractive

  1. BE CHILL ABOUT IT AND HAVE GOOD TIMING. Approaching a woman to tell her she’s attractive might not seem a chill thing to do.

How do I keep her happy and interested?

8 Rules to Keep Her Happy

  1. Build Capital. Flowers, foot rubs, and any other gestures of goodwill are best extended when they’re least expected.
  2. Flirt Like She’s Watching.
  3. Be Angry, Not Pathetic.
  4. Don’t Coach Her.
  5. Clean to Her Peeves.
  6. Help Assess Her Dress.
  7. Don’t Force Your Friends on Her.
  8. Choose Jealousy Wisely.

How do I talk to a girl to make her interested?

Do this by putting your focus on what the girl is saying, how she’s feeling, what she wants. Ask yourself questions in your head about these things. Try to figure out who she really is. When you switch your focus from yourself to her like this, something magical happens.

How can I impress a girl by chatting?

Know How to Impress a Girl While Chatting

  1. Don’t hesitate to initiate.
  2. Do not try to be fake, just be your original self.
  3. Patiently deal with her.
  4. Instead of talking about her, just talk to her.
  5. Focus on making her feel comfortable.
  6. Keep surprising her.
  7. Don’t be available every time.
  8. Choose an interesting topic to talk.

What are some flirty things to say to a girl?

7 Best Flirty Texts

  1. No matter how horrible my day went, when you smile you just made everything all right.
  2. You’re like a twister, you just blow me away.
  3. Could you stop being so lovely?
  4. I wonder how my life would be if I hadn’t met you.
  5. There isn’t a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty.

How can I impress her?

Make her feel special.

  1. Don’t ignore her or play hard to get. If she texts you, text back.
  2. Go out of your way to help her. If she could use a hand with something, offer your assistance!
  3. Let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself.
  4. Start an inside joke with her!

How do you talk flirty?

Flirty Text Strategy #2: Be bold about how much you like them. -I’m not big on the whole “wait three days” thing, so I’m texting you now. -Seeing your name pop up on my phone screen makes me grin like an idiot. -I don’t have anything interesting to tell you, but I really wanted to talk to you.

Will you please or can you please?

Will you please or can you please?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

How do you use this regards?

The correct phrase is “in regard to.” You may be confused because “as regards” is another way to introduce a topic. Many people believe both phrases are unnecessary business jargon. Better options, depending on the particular sentence, include “concerning,” “regarding,” “about,” “in,” and “with.”

What is another word for helping out?

What is another word for help out?

bail out deliver
come to the aid of give a helping hand to
lend a helping hand to support
abet further
serve cooperate

What’s the difference between help and help out?

To me help out can be used as indirect verb and direct verb. A person or a thing can “help”. But, only a person can “help out”. The phrasal verb “help out” is a synonym of the verb “help”.5 hari yang lalu

What word can I use instead of need?

  • condition,
  • demand,
  • essential,
  • must,
  • must-have,
  • necessary,
  • necessity,
  • needful,

How do you describe benefits?

Here are some adjectives for benefit: partial or transient, swift and petty, national sick, weary own, practically mutual, national minimum, weekly sick, much or permanent, entirely unanticipated, back incalculable, much aggregate, equal and coincident, fortuitous, unpremeditated, far-off ultimate, identifiable or …

What is the definition for salary?

A salary is a form of payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an employment contract. In accounting, salaries are recorded on payroll accounts. Salary is a fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an employee by an employer in return for work performed.