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Would eat in a sentence example?

Would eat in a sentence example?

“I would eat it”. I would eat the fried chicken. I would eat that alongside. “I would eat Robert Pattinson,” she said.

Why do we eat food sentence?

Food helps us to get energy. We should eat food to get nutrients. It helps us to reduce our hunger. Food like fruits and vegetables give us vitamins and minerals.

What is the meaning of eat?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn. 2a : to destroy, consume, or waste by or as if by eating expenses ate up the profits gadgets that eat up too much space.

What is a drink in slang?

liquor (up), lush (up) [slang], soak, tipple.

What is the full form of drink?

1 Answer. 0 votes. Mohit Yadav Expert answered 3 Jan. The Full form of DRINK is Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids, or DRINK stands for Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids, or the full name of given abbreviation is Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids.

What kind of word is drink?

drink is a verb and a noun, drunk is a noun and an adjective, and drunken is an adjective:He wants to drink some water. He wants a drink of water. He’s a drunk. He’s drunk again.

Is drink a action word?

verb (used without object), drank [drangk] or (Nonstandard) drunk [druhngk]; drunk or, often, drank; drink·ing. to take water or other liquid into the mouth and swallow it; imbibe. to imbibe alcoholic drinks, especially habitually or to excess; tipple: He never drinks. They won’t find jobs until they stop drinking.

What does quaff mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive + intransitive. : to drink (a usually alcoholic beverage) heartily or copiously At Fort William, goods were exchanged, bills were tallied, brandy was quaffed, songs were sung.—

What part of speech is the word drink?

intransitive verb

Is Drinked a real word?

(nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of drink.

What is the noun of red?

Red (proper noun) red–blooded (adjective) red–eye (noun)

What is the past verb of drink?

The past tense is ‘drank’. ‘They drank some juice. ‘ The past participle is ‘drunk’.

What kind of verb is sing?

English verbs come in several forms. For example, the verb sing can be: sing, sang, sung, singing or sings. This is a total of 5 forms….2. Modal helping verbs.

semi-modal verbs used to

What is the correct verb of drink?

More about “Drank” and “Drunk”

Verb Past Tense Past Participle
to drink drank have drunk

What kind of word is play?


What is the verb of bring?

Brought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to bring, which means “to carry someone or something to a place or person.” Bought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to buy, which means “to obtain something by paying money for it.”

Would eat in a sentence example?

Would eat in a sentence example?

“I would eat it”. I would eat the fried chicken. I would eat that alongside. “I would eat Robert Pattinson,” she said.

Why do we eat food sentence?

Food helps us to get energy. We should eat food to get nutrients. It helps us to reduce our hunger. Food like fruits and vegetables give us vitamins and minerals.

What is the meaning of eat?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn. 2a : to destroy, consume, or waste by or as if by eating expenses ate up the profits gadgets that eat up too much space.

Is eat a doing word?

verb eats, eating, ate or eaten.

What drink means?

1a : to take liquid into the mouth for swallowing eating and drinking. b : to receive into one’s consciousness drinking deep of the culture which surrounds them— L. R. Ward. 2 : to partake of alcoholic beverages has quit drinking. 3 : to make or join in a toast I’ll drink to that! drink the Kool-Aid.

What is a drink in slang?

liquor (up), lush (up) [slang], soak, tipple.

What is the full form of drink?

1 Answer. 0 votes. Mohit Yadav Expert answered 3 Jan. The Full form of DRINK is Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids, or DRINK stands for Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids, or the full name of given abbreviation is Double-blind Randomized Intervention Study in Kids.

What kind of word is drink?

drink is a verb and a noun, drunk is a noun and an adjective, and drunken is an adjective:He wants to drink some water. He wants a drink of water. He’s a drunk. He’s drunk again.

Is drink a action word?

verb (used without object), drank [drangk] or (Nonstandard) drunk [druhngk]; drunk or, often, drank; drink·ing. to take water or other liquid into the mouth and swallow it; imbibe. to imbibe alcoholic drinks, especially habitually or to excess; tipple: He never drinks. They won’t find jobs until they stop drinking.

What part of speech is the word drink?

intransitive verb

Is Drinked a real word?

(nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of drink.

What is the noun of red?

Red (proper noun) red–blooded (adjective) red–eye (noun)

What is the past verb of drink?

The past tense is ‘drank’. ‘They drank some juice. ‘ The past participle is ‘drunk’.

What kind of verb is sing?

English verbs come in several forms. For example, the verb sing can be: sing, sang, sung, singing or sings. This is a total of 5 forms….2. Modal helping verbs.

semi-modal verbs used to

What kind of word is play?


What is the verb of bring?

Brought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to bring, which means “to carry someone or something to a place or person.” Bought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to buy, which means “to obtain something by paying money for it.”