How do I use afterall?

How do I use afterall?

You use after all when you are saying that something that you thought might not be the case is in fact the case. I came out here on the chance of finding you at home after all.

What is the meaning of afterall?

1 : in spite of considerations or expectations to the contrary : nevertheless decided to take the train after all didn’t rain after all.

When can we use after all?

You use after all when introducing a statement which supports or helps explain something you have just said. I thought you might know somebody. After all, you’re the man with connections.

Does after all go before or after?

Do we always need a comma before “after all”? Unless “after all” is used as a parenthetical remark in the middle or at the end of a sentence, we need not place a comma before it.

Should I put comma after after all?

If the phrase “after all” is used after an independent clause as a prepositional phrase, it needs no comma. If the phrase “after all” is being used as a sentence-level modifier and/or introductory phrase, it needs a comma.

Can you use after all at the beginning of a sentence?

In the case of the first meaning, “after all” can be place at the beginning or at the end of the sentence but , in the case of the second meaning, it is always placed at the end of the sentence.

Do you say all of my OR ALL MY?

You can say, “All my friends are eating pizza.” However, as we have already seen, “all” can also be a pronoun, and just like we can say “all of them”, we can also say “all of my friends”. Both variants are grammatically correct: correct All my friends are eating pizza.

When using all in a sentence?

When all refers to a personal pronoun which is the object in a clause, we can use pronoun + all or all of + pronoun. The pronoun is in the object form: I used to have three pens but I’ve lost them all. (or … but I’ve lost all of them).

Where does the phrase all in come from?

A: According to Partridge’s Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, the term “all in” is a colloquial expression that originated on the floors of stock exchanges in the mid-19th century. If the market was “all in,” it was down or depressed; if it was “all out,” it was rising or inflated.