How do you use discontinue in a sentence?

How do you use discontinue in a sentence?

If you discontinue something that you have been doing regularly, you stop doing it. Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor. If a product is discontinued, the manufacturer stops making it. The Leica M2 was discontinued in 1967.

What is another word for discontinue?

Some common synonyms of discontinue are cease, desist, quit, and stop.

Do you spell discontinued?

Correct spelling for the English word “discontinued” is [dˌɪskəntˈɪnjuːd], [dˌɪskəntˈɪnjuːd], [d_ˌɪ_s_k_ə_n_t_ˈɪ_n_j_uː_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does Discountie mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to break the continuity of : cease to operate, administer, use, produce, or take. 2 : to abandon or terminate by a legal discontinuance. intransitive verb.

Is Discontinument a word?

noun. the act or state of discontinuing or the state of being discontinued; cessation: the discontinuance of a business. Law. the termination of a suit by the act of the plaintiff, as by notice in writing, or by neglect to take the proper adjournments to keep it pending.

What’s the meaning of mislead?

transitive verb. : to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit His comments were a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.

What does discontinuance mean in legal terms?

A formal notice filed with the Court and served on the defendant, ending active litigation. Only a plaintiff can file a discontinuance and he or she can do so over the objection of the defendant. …

What does mishandle mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to treat roughly : maltreat. 2 : to deal with or manage wrongly or ignorantly.

What is another word for mismanagement?

What is another word for mismanagement?

maladministration mishandling
malpractice misconduct
misdirection misgovernment
negligence incompetence
misrule corruption

Is bungle a real word?

bungle – spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly; “I bungled it!”

How do you use the word bungle in a sentence?

Bungle in a Sentence ?

  1. Only a dummy could bungle such an easy cookie recipe.
  2. My boss will fire me if I bungle this project.
  3. Because the police department is comprised of idiots, it will probably bungle the simple case.
  4. You’ll bungle the construction of the dollhouse if you don’t read the instructions.

Whats is a victim?

A victim is defined as “a person who has been harmed (physically, financially or emotionally), injured or killed as a result of a crime, accident or other event or action”. The definition of a victim can also include; families or friends of a person who has died as a result of criminal conduct.

How do you use the word perk in a sentence?

Perk sentence example

  1. His words seemed to perk up Franny.
  2. Keep going with those stories they really perk me up.
  3. Another perk is that in the beginning, water provides a quick drop in weight – quick enough to keep you motivated during those first few hard weeks of a new diet and lifestyle plan.

What does bungle up mean?

To jumble up or ruin something. A noun or pronoun can be used between “bungle” and “up.” Boy, you really bungled up this report—I’m not sure I can even fix it.

What does exert mean?

1a : to put forth (strength, effort, etc.) the force is exerted sideways. b : to put (oneself) into action or to tiring effort won’t have to exert himself moving the table.

What is a perk kiss?

The main difference between Kiss and Peck is that the Kiss is a touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting and Peck is a unit of volume. The word came from Old English cyssan (“to kiss”), in turn from coss (“a kiss”).

What’s another word for perks?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for perk, like: benefit, gain, gratuity, extra, fringe-benefit, appanage, perquisite, pick up, disadvantage, perk up and percolate.

What does perks mean in slang?

adjective. fake. Usually in terms of phony drugs or jewels that appear to be authentic but were manufactured to be sold fraudulently. That 14k gold chain you bought was perk.

Is Perk short for something?

Then in the nineteenth century (first recorded in 1869), the old word perquisite increasingly became abbreviated to perk, in the sense of a non-monetary benefit associated with a job or work. Thus someone working in a factory might take home an empty wooden palette on the basis that it is a perk of the job.

What does you perk up mean?

informal. 1 : to become more lively or cheerful or to make (someone) more lively or cheerful We perked up when we heard the good news. The good news perked everyone up. 2 : to make (something) fresher or more appealing The new paint job really perked up the room.

Is perk up an idiom?

to become invigorated; to become more active.