Is Fave a real word?

Is Fave a real word?

Fav or fave is short for “favorite.” In addition to usage as an adjective or noun, it can be used as a verb, meaning “to mark a piece of content as a favorite on a website.”

What is meaning of fave in English?

informal for favourite : “Does anyone want a sweet?” “Ooh thanks, they’re my faves.”

What is the definition of face?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. b : the face as a means of identification : countenance would know that face anywhere. 2 archaic : presence, sight.

What does ? face mean?

The woozy face emoji means you’ve had a few too many, or many too many. It can also mean that the user is tired, overly emotional, or plain confused. Or, according to a popular meme, it represents the dumb face men make when they try to look sexy in a photo.

What is Simous face?

adjective Having a very flat or snub nose, with the end turned up.

How Do You Spell face?

Correct spelling for the English word “face” is [fˈe͡ɪs], [fˈe‍ɪs], [f_ˈeɪ_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Can we say faces?

In this case, I’d say you need the plural “faces”. As, presumably, we each have our own face, you are talking about many faces here. But it isn’t true that a plural subject requires a plural object. Many people could be acting on one thing.

What kind of verb is face?

face. [transitive, intransitive] to be opposite someone or something; to have your face or front pointing toward someone or something, or in a particular direction face somebody/something She turned and faced him.

Is it their face or there face?

Both are possible, but in different contexts. If there is more than one person performing the action and they are all (presumably) performing the action on themselves, then there is more than one object so it must be in the plural.

Are ears part of the face?

The central face region contains the nose, cheeks, and ears.

What is a adjective for face?

Here are some adjectives for face: white, anxious, sweet oval, pale, upturned, white, desperate, vivid, narrow, pale sweat-soaked, classically noble, bleak angular, white, miserable, white despairing, guileless, open, lean yellowish, broad expressionless, gaunt solemn, white, upturned, intelligent and simian, sallow.

How do you describe a beautiful girl face?

  • She had a shapely figure. FIGURE.
  • It was imp-thin. BODY.
  • She was wasp-waisted. WAIST.
  • She had glossy skin. COMPLEXION.
  • She had slender eyebrows. EYEBROWS.
  • Her eyelashes were velvety. EYELASHES.
  • She had sea-nymph ears. EARS.
  • She had a dainty nose. NOSE.

How do you describe a happy face?

Practical descriptions: A smile is the crinkle of the eyes, the upturn of the corners of the mouth, with or without baring the teeth, and the flexing of the muscles in the apples of one’s cheeks. You can smile with your mouth, cheeks, eyes, or all three. It’s best if all three are involved, especially the eyes.

How do you describe facial features?

Describe obvious characteristics like eye color—green eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, gray eyes, or black eyes. Highlight their shape—round, almond, narrow. Illustrate how the eyes are placed in relation to the character’s face—deep-set, wide-set, or close-set.

How do you describe a beautiful cheek?

rosy, red, pink, hollow, sunken, round, white, ruddy, fat, thin, flushed, plump, smooth, soft, full, wet, chubby, brown, hot, sallow, pallid, wrinkled, fair, free, puffy, rounded, dimpled, furrowed, rouged, dark, lean, withered, fresh, crimson, lovely, broad, stained, flabby, yellow, gaunt, cold, delicate, flat, tanned …

What are the 8 facial features?

  • FACE.
  • EYES.
  • MOUTH.
  • TEETH.
  • CHIN.
  • HAIR.

How do you describe a girl physically?

Use “scruffy” or “unkempt” instead of “messy.” Use “attractive” to denote good-looking, instead of “beautiful,” “gorgeous,” or possibly even “handsome.” “Flabby” isn’t ideal, but it may be the best way to describe someone who is the opposite of “fit,” “toned,” or “well-built.”

How do you tell a girl she’s beautiful?

  1. Find Something Unique About Her. Identify something unique about the girl you want to compliment, and let that be how you say she is beautiful.
  2. Identify Beautiful Traits.
  3. Focus on Actions.
  4. Take Yourself Out of It.
  5. Aim to Help Her Feel Valued.

Should I tell a woman she’s beautiful?

If you’re in it for the long run, your body language should be ‘the one’ telling her she’s beautiful (eye contact, smiling, looking at lips, etc). It’s a better idea to give her compliments she hasn’t heard before. For example, you could say she’s funny.

Should you tell a girl she’s pretty?

If you’re dating the girl and you find her attractive, it’s normal to say “you’re so pretty” from time to time, to let her know you find her attractive. You don’t want to only compliment her on how she looks, however. Also be sure to say she’s smart, interesting, funny, kind, etc.

Is it OK to tell a girl she’s beautiful?

Take it deeper. Telling a girl that she’s beautiful can be part of your way to let a girl know that you’d like to have a better and more meaningful connection with her. Tell the girl that you love to be with her, that you find her beautiful and her presence makes you happy.

When should you call a girl beautiful?

You should start by saying beautiful. In my opinion, if you just met her, you want to make the best impression. As you two get to know each other then revert to gorgeous. Because you want to sound like you respect her and be in good boundaries, but at the same time compliment her.

How do you indirectly tell a girl she’s pretty?

Consider complimenting her in an indirect way – a way that says she is pretty without necessarily directly referencing her appearance. It is also important that your body language is non-aggressive. Don’t lean in too much and respect her personal space. Don’t move in too closely, in other words.