What do you call a person who always wants to argue?

What do you call a person who always wants to argue?

contentious Add to list Share. A contentious issue is one that people are likely to argue about, and a contentious person is someone who likes to argue or fight. Some issues are very controversial. They’re also contentious, because people tend to argue about them, and the arguments will probably go on forever.

What is the example of endeavor?

The definition of an endeavor is an attempt with a lot of effort. An example of an endeavor is the climbing of a large mountain. A conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt. To work with purpose.

What is an endeavor person?

to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; strive: We must constantly endeavor if we are to succeed.

What does reverberating mean?

reverberate \rih-VER-buh-rayt\ verb. 1 : to reflect or become reflected. 2 : to repel or become driven back. 3 : to continue in or as if in a series of echoes : resound.

What does Endower mean?

to provide with a permanent fund or source of income: to endow a college. to furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality; equip: Nature has endowed her with great ability. Obsolete. to provide with a dower.

Is usurpation a word?

Usurpation means taking someone’s power or property by force. Locking the teacher outside of the classroom and taking charge of math class is a form of usurpation. When Shakespeare’s Macbeth kills King Duncan and replaces him by usurping the throne, that is an act of usurpation.

What does despotism mean?

1a : oppressive absolute (see absolute sense 2) power and authority exerted by government : rule by a despot an excess of law is despotism, from which free men revolt— S. B. Pettengill. b : oppressive or despotic exercise of power educational despotism.

What is an example of despotism?

Despotism is defined as a situation in which a ruler has absolute power. A monarchy where a king has absolute power is an example of despotism. Government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group, which rules with absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.