What does intelligente mean?

What does intelligente mean?

1a : having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity. b : revealing or reflecting good judgment or sound thought : skillful. 2a : possessing intelligence.

How do you use intelligent in French?

intelligent (intelligente) [ɛ̃teliʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t] ADJ.

What is the feminine ending of patient in French?

Meanings of “feminine singular form of patient” in French English Dictionary : 2 result(s)

Category French
1 Common patiente [adj]
2 Common patiente [f]

How do you conjugate a patient in French?

– You’ll have to be patient. – Nous allons patienter. – We will be patient. – Vous allez devoir patienter.

How do you conjugate Devoirs?

‘devoir’ is the model of its conjugation. The past participle of devoir loses the circumflex when it agrees, i.e. the forms are dû, due, dus, dues….indicatif.

tu dois
il, elle, on doit
nous devons
vous devez

How do you conjugate Pouvoir in the present tense?

“Pouvoir” is a powerful verb….Conjugation of pouvoir (can)

Present Future Imperfect
Je peux pourrai pouvais
Tu peux pourras pouvais
Il/elle/on peut pourra pouvait
Nous pouvons pourrons pouvions

Is pouvoir regular?

Pouvoir is one of the most important French verbs – here’s how to conjugate it into every tense and mood. Pouvoir is an irregular -ir verb.

Why is Vouloir irregular?

The irregular verb vouloir is a shoe verb in the present tense. Vouloir means “to wish,” “to want,” or “will”: je veux.

Is pouvoir irregular?

The French verb pouvoir means “to be able [to do something],” or more simply, “can” and “may.” It’s an extremely common verb in French and has an irregular conjugation that can be tricky for non-native speakers.

What does intelligente mean?

What does intelligente mean?

1a : having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity. b : revealing or reflecting good judgment or sound thought : skillful. 2a : possessing intelligence.

How do you use intelligent in French?

intelligent (intelligente) [ɛ̃teliʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t] ADJ.

What is the feminine ending of patient in French?

Meanings of “feminine singular form of patient” in French English Dictionary : 2 result(s)

Category French
1 Common patiente [adj]
2 Common patiente [f]

How do you conjugate a patient in French?

– You’ll have to be patient. – Nous allons patienter. – We will be patient. – Vous allez devoir patienter.

How do you conjugate Devoirs?

‘devoir’ is the model of its conjugation. The past participle of devoir loses the circumflex when it agrees, i.e. the forms are dû, due, dus, dues….indicatif.

tu dois
il, elle, on doit
nous devons
vous devez

How do you conjugate Pouvoir in the present tense?

“Pouvoir” is a powerful verb….Conjugation of pouvoir (can)

Present Future Imperfect
Je peux pourrai pouvais
Tu peux pourras pouvais
Il/elle/on peut pourra pouvait
Nous pouvons pourrons pouvions

What form is je voudrais?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Conditional
je veux voudrais
tu veux voudrais
il veut voudrait
nous voulons voudrions

Is Je voudrais simple future?

The futur simple (simple future) describes what will happen for predictions and future projects and in sentences with si and quand. Verbs that denote a future wish, with an infinitive , are often used to talk about the future. For example, Je voudrais aller à l’université à l’avenir.