What is an Oxford comma give an example?

What is an Oxford comma give an example?

The Oxford (or serial) comma is the final comma in a list of things. For example: Please bring me a pencil, eraser, and notebook. The Oxford comma comes right after eraser. Use of the Oxford comma is stylistic, meaning that some style guides demand its use while others don’t.

When Oxford comma is needed?

The Oxford comma is the comma placed before the conjunction at the end of a list of things. For example, in “the flag was red, white, and blue”, the Oxford comma would be the one appearing before “and”. Proponents of the Oxford comma say it’s necessary for removing ambiguity in sentences.

Are Oxford commas grammatically correct?

An Oxford, or serial, comma is the last comma in a list; it goes before the word “and.” Technically, it’s grammatically optional in American English. However, depending on the list you are writing out, omitting it can lead to some confusion.

Why is the Oxford comma important?

The Oxford comma is the final comma before the conjunction (e.g., and, or) in a series. It’s important to include Oxford commas in your writing because, in English, we also use what are called “commas of direct address” to separate what we’re saying from the person/object we’re addressing.

What does fan of the Oxford comma mean?

Also known as the serial comma, the Oxford comma is the one that goes before “and” (or “or”) in a list of three or more things: “The American flag is red, white, and blue.” Fans of the Oxford comma think it prevents ambiguity.

What is the difference between an Oxford comma and a regular comma?

When you’re writing a list, you naturally include commas to separate each item, but an Oxford comma is when you also put a comma before the “and [Final Item]”. For example: Without Oxford comma: “Her favourite foods were chocolate, marshmallows, cake and chicken.”

Is the Oxford comma used in APA?

APA uses the serial (or Oxford) comma in lists of three or more items (i.e., Groucho, Harpo, and Zeppo).

How do you write numbers in APA format?

In general, APA style recommends using words to express numbers below 10, and using numerals when expressing numbers 10 and above.

Can you use etc in APA?

Many Latin abbreviations are used in APA Style papers to save space. Use the following standard Latin abbreviations only in parenthetical material; in the narrative, use the translation of the Latin term….Latin Abbreviations.

Latin abbreviation Meaning
e.g., for example,
, etc. , and so forth
i.e., that is,
viz., namely,

What can I use instead of ETC in formal writing?

A good way to test whether etc. is appropriate is to substitute “and so on” or “and so forth.” If those synonyms make sense, you can use etc. You should never use “and et cetera.” Remember, et means “and.” “And et cetera” is redundant. Usage note: Don’t use a comma after etc. if it is at the end of the sentence.

How do you shorten an in-text citation APA?

The abbreviation “et al.” (meaning “and others”) is used to shorten in-text citations with three or more authors. Here’s how it works: Only include the first author’s last name, followed by “et al.”, a comma and the year of publication, for example (Taylor et al., 2018).

How do you shorten an in-text citation?

If the source title is longer than four words, shorten it to the first word or phrase in the in-text citation, excluding any articles (a, an, and the). The shortened title should begin with the word by which the source is alphabetized in the Works Cited.

What does et al mean in court?

(et-ahl Abbreviation for the Latin phrase “et alia,” meaning “and others.” This is commonly used in shortening the name of a court case, so that instead of listing all the plaintiffs or defendants, one of them will be listed followed by the term “et al.”

What does ETUX stand for?

(et uhks) n. abbreviation for the Latin words et uxor meaning “and wife.” It is usually found in deeds, tax assessment rolls and other documents in the form “John Alden et ux,” to show that the wife as well as the husband own property.

How do you share ownership of property?

To create a joint tenancy, the conveyance must at the same time, convey the same title, to the same interest in property, with the same right of equal possession. A conveyance that fails to convey all four “unities” (time, title, interest, and possession) creates a tenancy in common, the default form of co-ownership.

Where do the commas go in this sentence?

Commas always follow these clauses at the start of a sentence. If a dependent clause ends the sentence, however, it no longer requires a comma.

When should you not use an Oxford comma?

Don’t switch back and forth in the same document between using the Oxford comma and not using it. By the way, this rule only applies to lists of three or more items. You should not use a comma before and if you’re only mentioning two qualities.

What is the opposite of the Oxford comma?

Opinions among writers and editors differ on whether to use the serial comma, and usage also differs somewhat between regional varieties of English. British English allows constructions with or without this comma, while in American English it is common and sometimes even considered mandatory to use the comma.

What is the argument against the Oxford comma?

As far as I can tell, the main argument against using the Oxford comma is that it’s somehow easier to not insert a comma at the end of a list of three or more items.

Is the Oxford comma required in MLA?

Even in a poorly written sentence, the Oxford comma ensures that the meaning is clear. The Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), and Oxford University Press all support the Oxford comma.

Does legal writing use the Oxford comma?

Lawyers should use the Oxford comma to help avoid ambiguity. Three ambiguities may arise without this comma: Whether the two final items in a list are one combined element or separate.

What does a heart with a comma under it mean?

Semicolon Heart Tattoo Hearts are a well-known symbol of love. When combined with the semicolon, this piece of body art reminds the wearer to love themselves. It can also represent how love saved them from the worst time in their life – and therefore as a tribute to their romantic partner or family and friends.

What does the 13 tattoo stand for?

unlucky number

What does the semicolon tattoo mean in 13 Reasons Why?

The ; symbol stands for an end of one thought and a beginning of another. Instead of a period, authors use the semicolon to continue a sentence. For us, it means a beginning of another chapter in life, in lieu of ending your life.”

How did Amy kill herself?

Bleuel died on March 23, 2017, aged 31; the cause of death was ruled as suicide. She was romantically involved with her partner David.

Are the tattoos in 13 Reasons Why Real?

Most of Heizer’s real tattoos — like the alien head and cartoon face on his elbows — actually made it into the third season of the show.

Why did Clay get a tattoo of a semicolon?

Clay Gets An Important Tattoo. It appears as though Clay’s semicolon tattoo is a reference to Project Semicolon, an organization devoted to suicide prevention. If you’re wondering why a punctuation mark stands for their initiative, the semicolon symbol is meant when an author chooses to continue their sentence.

What does a tattoo of a barcode mean?

What do barcode tattoos mean? When contemplating the barcode tattoo’s meaning, it becomes apparent that the main themes behind the tattoo typically revolve around individualism, warnings against becoming a product or “slave”, stances against capitalism and consumerism, and protests against corporate greed.

What does a tattoo of a circle mean?

Some of the meanings which stay behind the circle tattoo are perfection, totality, and wholeness. Much of this is derived from the fact that a circle comes all the way around and attaches with itself to complete the path. The circle can also symbolize unity and singularity, or it can mean inclusiveness.

What does a kiss tattoo mean?

Hidden Messages Behind Lip Tattoos. The meaning of a lip tattoo on the neck could be something as simple as expressing your love for someone or an expression of sensuality. From raw passion and desire, to fear and aggression. Simple lip designs can tell many stories. Lip tattoos are usually realistic in design.