What is the element for Horse?

What is the element for Horse?


What element is 2014 Year of the Horse?

Wood Horses
Wood Horses (1954, 2014) People born in a Horse year corresponding to the Wood element have an abundant imagination.

Is Water Horse yin or yang?

Year 2002 is Yang Water Horse, the 19th of the Stem-Branch in the system. Because Water is equivalent to color Black in the Five-Element system, Year 2002 is also called Black Horse year. In Chinese astrology, Horse contains Fire element and color Red can represent Fire.

What is a Chinese water horse?

THE Water Horse in the Chinese zodiac represents people born in 1943, 2002 and 2003. It is the seventh animal in the 12-year cycle and is also given to those born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, and 2026.

Is Year of Horse lucky in 2021?

Overall Luck: Horses are open-minded with an indifferent attitude towards many things. However, this year is bad luck in all aspects based on Horse fortune in 2021, if they cannot adjust their mentality and way of life in time, it will be very unfavorable for the future personal development.

What is the spirit animal for 2014?

Spirit Animals Chart by Year

Spirit Animal Years Meaning
Horse 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038 Freedom and Fearless to Approach Life.
Sheep 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039 Promise and Prosperity.
Monkey 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040 Terrific sense of humor.
Rooster 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041 Self-confidence and forward thinking.

What year is lucky for Horse?

Lucky/Unlucky Things for the Horse. The Horse’s Personality. Horse’s Love Compatibility. Horse’s Horoscope in 2021….Zodiac Horse Years.

Horse Year Zodiac Years Calendar Type of Horse
2026 February 17, 2026 – February 5, 2027 Fire Horse

Is the water horse lucky in 2021?

2021 is a bad year for the health of Horse people, however, and vigilance should be raised. Romantically, this year Horse people have a lot of rotten luck in love, which may affect family harmony, and so they need to be careful in their responses.

What is the lucky year for horse?

Lucky/Unlucky Things for the Horse. The Horse’s Personality. Horse’s Love Compatibility. Horse’s Horoscope in 2021….Zodiac Horse Years.

Horse Year Zodiac Years Calendar Type of Horse
2014 January 31, 2014 – February 18, 2015 Wood Horse