Which action completes the graphic organizer Polyneices rebels against Thebes Creon forbids the burial of Polyneices Antigone is arrested haemon argues with his father?

Which action completes the graphic organizer Polyneices rebels against Thebes Creon forbids the burial of Polyneices Antigone is arrested haemon argues with his father?

Answer Expert Verified The action that completenes the graphic organizer is the following: Polyneices rebels against Thebes. Option A is correct. In Greek mythology, Polynices was the son of Oedipus and Jocasta and the younger brother of Eteocles.

How do the gods view Creon’s refusal to allow Polyneices to be buried?

What do lines 18-32 suggest about how the gods view Creon’s refusal to allow Polyneices to be buried? Creon is saying how he is not afraid of the Gods, and that he doesn’t care what they do because he is strong and he basically called Teiresias a fool. Creon is acting like he is just way better than the Gods.

Why does Oedipus call himself evil?

Oedipus the King: #8:Oedipus calls himself an “abomination” for killing his father and marrying his mother. First of all, he is a good emperor, even killing his father is forced to be helpless, because his father wants to hurt his life, so his killing of his father is a means of self-defense.

Why does Creon forbid the burial of Polyneices?

Creon exiled Oedipus from Thebes after Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. Creon also declared that Polyneices would not receive a proper burial because he committed treason against his own city.

What key point do Creon and Antigone disagree on?

burial ceremony

Which plot event completes the organizer?

Answer Expert Verified The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: “antigone is arrested.” the plot event that completes the organizer is that antigone is arrested. It completed the plot event of the story.

Which question should be asked when characterizing the antagonist?

Answer Expert Verified The question that should be asked when characterizing the antagonist is “How do others respond to the antagonist?” Option A is correct. An antagonist is the character in a story who is against the protagonist.

Who creates the main conflict for Antigone?

King Creon

Which thematic statement completes the graphic organizer those who disrespect the gods will be protected human law supersedes divine law familial loyalty comes before civil obedience those who respect the gods will be protected?

Answer: The thematic statement that completes the graphic organizer is Those who respect the gods will be protected.

What is the main conflict in the play Antigone?

major conflict Antigone’s major conflict is between Creon and Antigone. Creon has declared that the body of Polynices may not be given a proper burial because he led the forces that invaded Thebes, but Antigone wishes to give her brother a proper burial nevertheless.

What is a theme of Antigone?

A central theme of Antigone is the tension between individual action and fate. While free choices, such as Antigone’s decision to defy Creon’s edict, are significant, fate is responsible for many of the most critical and devastating events of the trilogy.

Why did Antigone bury her brother?

Antigone’s primary reason for wanting to bury Polynices is that it’s in accordance with divine law. Antigone was right to defy King Creon because she had the right to bury her brother and her brother deserved a respectful burial so they could honor their family. …