Why does rhythm not have no vowels?

Why does rhythm not have no vowels?

Perhaps the reason rhythm is such an interesting word is not only because of the unusual rh combination and the fact that the main vowel is a y pronounced as a short i (compare myth, hymn, tryst, cyst), but it also has a second syllable without a traditional a, e, i, o, u, or y.

Why does Y make sound?

Y as a long I: The letter y makes the long sound of i when it comes at the end of a short word that has no other vowel. Examples: cry, try, my, fly, by, hi. Y as a long E: When y or ey ends a word in an unaccented syllable, the y has the long sound of e.

How do you say years ago?

“Year ago” and “years ago” are the most used phrases, at least in American English.

Why don’t we say an university?

It’s because phonologically they begin with a consonant, not a vowel. These words are pronounced as if they had a ‘y’ sound at the beginning (Yuniversity, yuniform etc). You don’t say ‘an year’, so you don’t say ‘an (y) university;’ either – you say ‘a university’.

Do you use a or before unicorn?

The sound “yu” is a consonant, so we say, “a unicorn.” As you can see (or hear!), you have to be careful about spelling versus sound. The word unicorn is an example where a word is spelled with an initial vowel but is pronounced with an initial consonant. Words that start with “h” are a good example.

Why is unicorn so special?

The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead. In the encyclopedias, its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness.

Why is it a unique and not an unique?

The actual way of distinguishing where to use either is in the sound of the word, that is, the first syllable. Words whose first syllable has a consonant sound then take up ‘a’. an example of this is unique who first syllable is ‘yoo’ which is not a vowel sound. Therefore, it is ‘a unique’ as opposed to ‘an unique’.