Recommendations for the performance of homework

A rare student does not face the problem of preparing homework lessons. After all, instinctively, we feel: if something is missed now, all the remaining school years will have to suffer. It is very important to develop a positive attitude to homework already from the first days of study.

Time for homework

Lessons must be performed at the same time. The optimal and most productive time is from 16 to 18 hours.

What does it mean to do homework on your own?

When we say that a student knows how to do homework on his own, then we are talking about a whole set of skills achieved in self-development.

This means that the student can:

  • To get acquainted with the scope of the tasks that he has to fulfill;
  • plan the order of actions: what he will do first, what then, etc.;
  • distribute time (imagine how much time this or that task will take);
  • To understand what task is facing him in the performance of a specific task;
  • Apply the necessary skills and knowledge to perform a task;
  • imagine an algorithm of actions that will help him in case of difficulty in performing the task.

Doing homework is a must. Since the knowledge learned in the lesson will simply be forgotten and all efforts of the teacher will be eliminated if they are not secured after doing homework.

Self-sufficiency rarely appears on its own. Paradoxically, the independence of children is the result of a number of consistent actions of adults, first of all parents, stages of development of schoolchildren.

If a student has learned to do his homework on his own, asking for help to adults only in case of serious difficulties, this is a serious step in his development on the path to independence. Conversely, the formation of a habit at the slightest difficulty of seeking help can lead to a feeling of own insignificance, and subsequently – to uncertainty.

Effective homework tips

  1. Before making your homework, ventilate the room, turn off the TV. The room must be quiet. Take everything that does not apply to study from the table. Prepare what you need to complete the task (textbook, notebook, etc.).
  2. The task is better performed on the day when it was asked to not forget the lesson in the lesson.
  3. The given lessons should be distributed evenly on the days of the week, so that there is not “then densely, then empty”.
  4. Intensive execution of one lesson should not last more than 30 minutes, so some tasks must be returned several times.
  5. Between the execution of different tasks should be a break from 10 to 20 minutes.
  6. It is advisable to do all tasks on weekdays, so that you can have a rest at the weekend.

On a note:

  • Do not make homework in the tools of torture. Form positive motivation for doing homework, its long-term perspective. Encourage yourself for a well-done homework, praise yourself, rejoice at the results associated with the positive mark;
  • Develop a culture of mental work, ask yourself what additional literature you can use to perform your homework at high quality;
  • Use the possibility of additional and stimulating activities in order to reduce the workload at home;
  • Consult with subject teachers if you are having difficulty with preparing homework assignments.

If there is not a lot of homework that does not have time, but it is really important for your semester assessment, ask the professionals on the page for help: